Symphosis is a complicated game set in the modern world. You play as a young adult named Max, a Musician who is trying to find his way in life. But Max isn't all so "normal" – whatever that means… After struggling with mental illness periodically throughout his life, a certain event occurred which left him hearing strange things- almost constantly. Max becomes so overwhelmed by this new problem in his life, he goes to a psychologist who then diagnoses him with Schizophrenia – a clinical disease that plagues over 1% of the entire population of Earth. But his case isn't quite like the others. He hears music along with voices in his head- not like the "oh this song is stuck in my head" type of thing- but hallucinations in which he is hearing music externally with the sensation of listening. Symphosis is about Max's journey to discover and cope with this new illness of his. It is up to the player to determine if this condition is a gift, or a terrible nuisance.Uncategorized
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Credits & Thanks
Developer (software), Developer (engine)