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Secrets of Kankara

  • Storyline

    An evil court mage, Makiel, is trying to release darkness into the world by darkening Kankara's Sacred Travel Crystals, which are an ancient artifact that used to allow travel around the country. It's up to our hero, Elunir, to stop him by gathering the ancient's power and purifying the crystals.



    • Open World To Explore!
    • Action Battle System (like zelda)!
    • Full Time and Weather System!


    Links to the demo can be found Here



    UPDATE: This project has taken quite a while to actually work on, and during the time I have been working on it, I've also been dealing with some stuff at home that has hindered my progress. While I do not intend on giving up on this project, I do, however, have to put it on hold until I can put the time I need to, into it. The demo will remain up (unless the link goes dead, but if that happens, please do PM me here), so you all can enjoy what's been finished so far. I will return to the project ASAP. I apologize to those who have waited so long for this game to be finished, but with my current schedule, it could take the rest of this year before it's even close. Thank you for your support so far, and please do stay tuned for my return, I will do my best to come back to it quickly.


    UPDATE: I've finally returned and have once again began work on SoK! Thank you all for being so patient with me, I will do my best to finish this game for you all in a speedy manner.

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    Developer (software), Developer (engine)


    RPG Maker VX Ace


    35% - Later stages of Development

  • Media

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      Posted by Jaden,

      Secrets of Kankara

    • Posted by Jaden,

      Secrets of Kankara

  • Downloads

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  • Blog Posts

    Regional Menus

    By Jaden,

    Just wanted to update everyone on a new feature I just coded in (and one that surprisingly is simple), it's 'Regional Windowskins'. Basically, the appearance of the menu will change, depending one what place you're in. For example: If you're in a forested area, it may look like leaves and green, if you're under water, it may look blue and with water-like designs. I'm still in the process of implementation, but so far it looks very promising.

    Vacation Is Over, Back To Work Again

    By Jaden,

    Vacation came to a close this week and so it's back to work again. This month I'll be working on dungeons and only dungeons, doing layout and creating puzzles, finding stuff for my bosses (which is the hardest part because there are practically no resources for bosses that animate), and making sure it's big enough. The most challenging part aside from finding assets, is making the layout to be one big puzzle itself, not being able to access a room unless certain conditions are met for the player, such as finding a key and such. It's a challenge, but it's fun to do, especially when the reward is seeing others play it and/or enjoy it. In any case, I wanted to say hi to my fans out there and to let you all know that I'm still working hard to bring you the best game that I can.

    On Vacation

    By Jaden,

    During this holiday season, I generally take time off. This year is no exception, however, I've been giving serious thought to adding holidays to the game for it's final release (no date yet specified), among them being a spring holiday, a fall holiday, and a winter holiday, each one inspired by real holidays. The concept for this is as yet unfinished, however I'll likely be adding specific items for each of them, and they will be time-based, so players who play the game long enough will see these occur.  In any case, I want to wish everyone a merry christmas and happy holidays.  –Jaden
  • Credits & Thanks

    GMS Games (Jaden)


    Our primary website.

    The Game Devs (GMS Games)


    Primary testing and development.



    Previous version tester. (Fired, No Longer In Contact)


    Special Thanks

    For inspiration, support, and content ideas.