In a time of peace, an ancient evil long forgotten stirs in the darkest corners of the world. A young man, born of a mountain Village, must rise to the challenge to prevent the cataclysmic return of this dark entity.
Arrow Keys – Movement and selection
Z – activate – select
x- exit menus and open character menuComments (4)
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Credits & Thanks
-Prologue Screen could use refinement. Was just scrolling up and down infinitely, was unclear that I needed to press "X".
"Progress Bar" text was obscured by the actual progress bar.
-Evil Entity becoming free scene felt rushed.
-Unsure what role each class plays, especially last two which are more exotic.
-Unsure why the Swords were blinking on the table, but other required items were not.
"quest complete" should be Quest complete, or at the very least Quest Complete. I'm sure there
are other errors as well.
-Camp option states: "You can't go to the camp camp yet.".
"knowledge" option should be "Knowledge".
-(Opinion) The Main Character is a violent sociopath who attacks people that do not quickly surrender their names to
-Should probably review grammatical errors in dialogue, to many phrases lacking capitalization or adding incorrect capitalization.
-Older sister is mad at her injured brother? She didn't even bother to ask why he was injured! No one really seemed to care about the fact that he was unconcious for an undefined amount of time.
-Flashback sequence: "ballance" should be "balance"
-Quest Journal says location is "Sanlow village and Oakheart town" do they share a map? A lot of that entry is jumbled.
-Why must the Inn make me stay on the second floor? Also, teleporting down to first floor requires a button pressed and not collision.
-"I can't leav town yet."
-At this point, I could not go into any houses save for the Inn, Shop, and Church. I am assuming that the demo is over?
[quote] Arkbennett said 1 hour ago
-Prologue Screen could use refinement. Was just scrolling up and down infinitely, was unclear that I needed to press "X".
"Progress Bar" text was obscured by the actual progress bar.
-Evil Entity becoming free scene felt rushed.
-Unsure what role each class plays, especially last two which are more exotic.
-Unsure why the Swords were blinking on the table, but other required items were not.
"quest complete" should be Quest complete, or at the very least Quest Complete. I'm sure there
are other errors as well.
-Camp option states: "You can't go to the camp camp yet.".
"knowledge" option should be "Knowledge".
-(Opinion) The Main Character is a violent sociopath who attacks people that do not quickly surrender their names to
-Should probably review grammatical errors in dialogue, to many phrases lacking capitalization or adding incorrect capitalization.
-Older sister is mad at her injured brother? She didn't even bother to ask why he was injured! No one really seemed to care about the fact that he was unconcious for an undefined amount of time.
-Flashback sequence: "ballance" should be "balance"
-Quest Journal says location is "Sanlow village and Oakheart town" do they share a map? A lot of that entry is jumbled.
-Why must the Inn make me stay on the second floor? Also, teleporting down to first floor requires a button pressed and not collision.
-"I can't leav town yet."
-At this point, I could not go into any houses save for the Inn, Shop, and Church. I am assuming that the demo is over?[/quote]
Thank you for the feedback. as for the information your looking for:
1. Progress windows can be exited via the X key.
2. I'm using Vindaca's "Progress WIndow" script for that part, and I have not figured out how to accurately fit the Progress bar text with the actual progress bar itself.
3. the prologue/"Evil Entity becoming free" scene is simple for now, as I still have much to learn before i can make it a little more complex.
4. Each class has certain strengths and skills, some gain new abilities faster than others, the most simple class is Soldier, as He is your basic axe wielding warrior. the Paladin class is for those who want a balance of Offensive, healing and defensive abilities. the Spellblade couples the abilities of a swordsman with arcane magic, so for opponents with possible elemental weaknesses, he can exploit those. The Samurai, starts off as a straight-forward fighter, but later gains techniques that make him capable to turn the tide in his favor.
5. for the sword part, I was Unsure on how else to have the "Gleaming sword" effect. the armor rack isn't because said starting armor is basically made of cloth.
6. ah, thank you for pointing out the grammar mistakes, I thought i took care of those before i released this. but then again, I've been half asleep most of the time.
7. You can't travel to camp for a reason, it's specifically designed in the common event which is activated through the menu to be restricted for after you defeat the first dungeon boss and and escape said dungeon.
8. bugger… I thought i had that properly capitalized…. thank you again for informing me.
9. The character is supposed to start off as a young man who easily gives in to his temper, he grows more mature as the story progresses.
10. again, thank you for pointing those out. I was never the best in terms of English grammar despite it being my first language.
11. Said Elder Sister is annoyed because the younger brother is acting like nothing happened. Imagine how you'd feel if someone you care about acted like nothing happened despite you finding them unconscious in front of there own house. She was worrying her little butt off the entire time He was out cold. then again, I guess it could use some work.
12. bugger, all these grammar mistakes make me wish RPG maker vx ace had auto-correct.
13. Sanlow is the Mountainous village you start In, Oakheart is where you're going to be heading to for the quest.
14. crap, a thought I had that set to "Player Touch" activation. I'll fix that in a bit.
15. You can't leave town because you haven't gone to speak with Annalyn, aka, the Elder Sister, during the dialogue there, she's going to give you something that will play a heavy role in the later parts of the game. here's a clue: go the the far west of the village, you may need to climb up some steps to reach the area.
17. majority of the Buildings have yet to actually be made. so you can't access them as of right now.
this is my first time actually making a game, so I'll take constructive criticism and advice when i can.
Also, I'll be releasing a Players Manual with the full release, since I am still working on the manual itself right now.
I'll fix these errors and try to improve the game itself. again, thank you for the feedback.
7 and 15 was referencing more grammatical errors, you said camp twice. "camp camp". And upon leaving the town, you left the "e" out of leave out.
Anyways, just keep up the effort, never be satisfied with what you have. There are always ways to improve and never give up.
blast, I guess I've been more tired than I thought to have messed up that badly. well, I'm looking into these problems, and trying to improve it.
I hope I answered at least some of your questions about the character and Demo. also, I think you'll be pleased to know I am implementing a compass system and giving compass based directions in the Questlog next update.
okay, seems I can't get the compass system to work… somethings wrong with the script. Opting for a Map menu system that will mark where you need to go with a blip.