Back before the world was balanced and finished there were monsters called Karins.
These monsters threatened creation and balance in this world so Marna, the goddess of life, created the warrior Khldir.
He was no stronger than a fly at his existence but for a century he trained and by his time he was put into a human body to sustain him on earth.
When this was done his body pushed back his potential, even used anywhere near his full strength his human catalyst would rip to shreds for this body
was too weak to do so but Marna said he had no more time and sent him off. Now you are faced with the challenge of finding what he does next and
finishing the story…–Space Wolfie
The head developer of UncreatedTeam
- Publisher
- Hellfire Productions™
- Genre
- Engine
- Other
5% - Pre-Development Set Up
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Credits & Thanks
Space Wolfie
Developer (software), Developer (engine)