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Dies Irae: Phantatiom-Elements

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      SYNOPSIS:   ‘Twas a thousand years ago in which the Six Phantatiom Crystals that brought balance upon all of Gaia were destroyed. In their destruction a savior was born, known only unto the world as ZION. Who, with his power alone, returned harmony to Gaia through a single Phantatiom Crystal; which to this day resides within Gaia’s center and known to all as the Heart of Gaia.   The shattered remnants of the Six Phantatiom Crystals, through the power of the Heart of Gaia, attached themselves to human souls and through them… evolved into full, yet still spiritual, crystallized forms. Ultimately granting humanity the power the crystals once hand and giving birth to Phantatiom Users and Genius’.   Here in Gaia’s fourth era, peace has never been so prominent. However… a dark cloud is lurking and an evil lost within the pages of the great war Prologue to Dies Irae has been reborn. It is now up to Esther, the vessel for the reborn Goddess of Creation, Evangeline; to stop this evil before it can contaminate the Heart of Gaia and bring about the ultimate end… Dies Irae.   VIDEOS Battle Test Message Box + Voice Acting Test   GAME FEATURES World and Gameplay: -Two stories, two protagonists. Few areas are used in both stories, making for two throughways that greatly differ from one another and each with their own 40 hour Main Story. -Huge world containing Six MASSIVE kingdoms and their territory. -Tons of side quests, character stories that do not complete through the main story, and optional dungeons. -Original cast of characters all with their own voice actors and personalities that couldn’t be any different from one another.   Attack System: -Three weapons per character, three styles of attacks. Standard, Quick, and Strong. -Attributes to attacks, Jab, Slash, and Thrust allow you to strategies each attack. -Level up your weapons and gain additional number of attacks per turn. -Rotate between attacking and spell casting in order to level your weapons.   Spell System: -Three types of spells; Attack, Defense and Special Classed Spells (SCS) -Six different Attack and Defense spells per character. Limited number of spells allows for each spell to be useful from the beginning to end. -Leveled spells; each spell levels up the more you use it, allowing you to keep them useful. -Every character serves every role. Everyone uses magic, but due to strengths and weaknesses of each element, a healer could be more useful as a warrior than a healer; or a warrior could be more useful for support. -Elements contain both Elements and Attributes. An enemy weak to both Wind and Jab will suffer 4x the normal damage from a spell that contains both. -Everyone has a special Defense Spell in which allows them to use ‘upgraded’ versions of their main set of spells for a limited amount of time. Example: Wind Users can use Agility to upgrade their basic Attack Spells, Gust can become Spiral Gust, ect. -SCS spells act like a sort of limit break; however, these spells come at a cost. They can do anywhere between 1 to 100% damage to the user. They are an all out attack with a high damage potential.   Currency and Craft System: -Money is scarce, and only HUMAN enemies drop currency. -Animals and monsters drop resources useful to Crafting and Cooking. -Craft all your own equipment, it is rather expensive to take the shortcut and buy them. -Visit stores to learn new recipes for equipment and sell your excess for a profit. -Crafting gloves and leveling your weapons is your main damage increases. -Healing items cost a lot and have limited inventory space; but cooking can take you a long ways and is a lot cheaper. Useful for dungeons and long treks between towns.   Voice Acting: -Fully voiced scenes by a range of actors and actresses; such as Cristina Vee, Lucien Dodge, Eric Kimerer, Laura Post and many others. -Voiced battle follies: such as attacking, defending, using Item’s, Spells, and other commands.   PREPARING FOR KICKSTARTER We have already attempted Kickstarter once; though we didn’t meet our goal, we achieved quite a bit. Not only did we achieve a number of backers who all plan to pledge again, but we received tons of feedback and have utilized one of the main aspects of the kickstarter… backer involvement.   Thus, with all this great help and insight, we are planning to attempt a second round! Now with over 200 likes on facebook, more support from the team and previous backers, we are anticipating a successful second round!   For those interested in being a part of our second attempt and helping spread the world or backing us, you can keep up to date by liking our facebook page: https://www.facebook…iraegame?ref=hl   Q&A: Q: Are you using RMXP? And do you plan to stick with it? A: At the moment we are using RMXP but pending on how successful our kickstarter is, we plan to use another engine all together. RMXP gets the job done, but we want to port this game to as many platforms as we can, rather than simply windows.   Q: Are these screenshots of the final version? A: Not even close. We ultimately want to be able to work on a much higher resolution. All graphics are being creating in a high resolution and downsized to 640×480 until we can get another engine. We have also been putting all our money into character design, GUI, music and programming. So things like the sprites and tilesets are still a long ways coming. Ultimately we plan for all original sprites (enemy and character) as well as tilesets.   Q: How long have you been working on this? A: I started brain storming a game version of Dies Irae not long after finishing the first episode of the radioplay. Having felt the verbage was suited more towards a game, it only made sense. That was back in about 2007. It took me until 2010 to really gather a full enough team to actually move forward.   Q: How far along is the game? A: The game has two stories. Esther and Lucius’. Esther’s story is completely written and about 1/3 of Lucius’ story is complete. Now this doesn’t count any side quests and middle groundings. Just the main plot points (and that in which will be voice acted). Much of the game can easily be put together, but requires the resources… and the resources require the money.   Q: How long will this game be? A: I have planned out a 40 hour game for both Esther and Lucius. I am hoping to squeeze in at least another 10-20 hours each on optional quests and dungeons.   Q: Some characters remind me of other characters I have seen; did you draw influence from other animes? A: Originally I went with a more western look to the characters. However, due to massive feedback, we upgraded the art style and made it more anime… since, well, that is what the people wanted. It fit more with the general feel and atmosphere of the game. Therefore… when going full anime style, we did draw a lot of influence from other anime characters (gotta have them references for the artist!). But that is just part of art. No matter where you look, especially in the anime world, there are hundreds of characters that obviously look very similar to others. Though that isn’t to say we copied them; simply drew inspiration and general direction from existing characters.   Q: Why are you aiming for a kickstarter? A: When I do something, I like to do it all the way. And more so, when it comes to a dream of mine–a PASSION–I want to see it realized in it’s fullest form. Thus, I want my story to be heard and loved by as many people as I can reach. Kickstarter is the ultimate way to not just make this a good game with a great story, but an AMAZING game that compliments the story in which I have spent nearly a decade creating.   Q: The story seems cliche. There’s more to it, right? A: Of course. When I first wrote Dies Irae, it was with ONE intention; take EVERY cliche in the book and let the CHARACTERS drive the story. As a friend told me before I wrote it (and thus what DROVE me to write it); ‘every adventure has already been told. Nothing original under the sun. However, what can make it unique is the characters.’. Ultimately as I continued to write, all cliche’s became eclipsed by the TRUTHS. Ultimately meaning one thing: if a character feels like a troupe, and if a plot element seems cliche; it is nothing but a ruse. Pay close attention! Thing’s are not what they seem…   Q: Is this a trilogy? A: Yes. The original story was written to be four seasons. I condensed the fourth season into the ‘epilogue’ of the final game. But all in all, there will be three games in total. Each ending on a note that will forever change the course of Gaia.   DEMO: ~Coming Soon~   TEAM: Producer/Writer: Jeremiah Caudle Lead Artist: M. Beatriz García Lead Musician: Jamaal Ephriam Lead Programmer: Frank Nieuwland Lead Spriter: Jerod W Original Concept Artist: Enchantma

    Comments (10)

    • Woah, I love how you've used the Games system 🙂 It looks great. Suggestions for your page: (if you're interested), try to remove the text title as you've got the title in the background, and also add your social media accounts (eg facebook) into the social media part of the settings so that the logo will show up in the sidebar.

      I will feature this game as soon as I build a feature system 🙂

    • Thanks for the comments!

      And feedback, critique, ect is always MORE than welcomed (and APPRECIATED~)! I actually thought of removing the title, but when initially not seeing an option for it, figured maybe there wasn't one, haha! I was in a bit of a hurry at the time, so go figure I'd miss it~

    • Removing the title altogether uncovered a bug in the system. I'll fix that up. I take it by that post that you've found the setting (its under design->cover page). Even I get lost in there sometimes 😛

    • Haha, I was wondering why it had returned when I came back. "Didn't I remove that…? I KNOW I took his advise on that…" I had to use 'three spaces' to remove it. Since it didn't seem to want to save blankly. But yes, I found it! It is a bit confusing at first, like any template really! But the more I play around with it, the more things I find. And the more I find how to make things save; since it works on one of those auto save features.

      Thank you for your assistance!

    • Well a commercial game is the direction we want to go! It didn't start out that way; but after I started pouring my own money into gathering a team… I figured… why not go ALL the way? I hate half arsing things, haha!

    • It's a very bad idea to delete your title… you need it! Otherwise people won't be able to access your game around the site.

      The setting is found here:

      I see now that it needs a description so people understand what it does… I will fix that asap.

    • Haha! That teaches me to read things when I first wake up. Now that I read it again, I see what you mean. Thank you once again for your continued assistance! It has been VERY helpful!

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      Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements

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      Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements

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      Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements

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      Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements

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      Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements

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      Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements

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      Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements

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      Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements

      Posted by zankokunoyami,

      Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements

      Posted by zankokunoyami,

      Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements

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      Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements

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      Dies Irae: Phantatiom Elements

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    Carter Eggenberger


    Production and Supervision

    Prescott Games


    Carter Eggenberger


    Carter Eggenberger

    Sound Effects