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RPG Maker MV Multiplayer (MMO) Project

[Video] Explaining real-time multi-player in RMMV maps to my girlfriend

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Note: I have really good audio so I can hear it fine, but you'll probably need to turn your volume up and watch in full screen *1-smile*


There are of course a few rough bits like jaggity movement and facing the wrong direction, which are easy to fix. It uses the built-in path-finder and is essentially achieves MMO functionality in terms of player movement and co-existing on the map as if there was only ever a single map to begin with D:

Comments (11)

  • Thanks 🙂 This was actually very easy.

    I want to arrange an event where we get some members online and test it out. I'm not sure when to do that though. I don't really want to give my code away, and I don't want people to be underwhelmed by their first try. It would be nice to release this functionality as a plugin but that won't be for a while.

    Thus, at the moment I'm thinking that the first live test for GDU will be a multi-map competition between members in-game. The first RPG Maker MMO event, perhaps?

  • Hey! This is really, really cool!!! I've been planning to make an MMO on RMMV with my brother and it looks like you've figured out what we've been trying to do. How feasible do you think it would be to make events work for different people in the same game?

  • I'm still thinking about feasibility.

    I think it is quite feasible. Things fall apart when things aren't equal on both maps: as soon as once NPC changes position on one map and not all the others: suddenly the others can move to a position that is impossible on that map.

    In saying that, I think I can make a system where all events are equal 🙂 I've already done that for players, and I'm quite sure I can do it for NPC's, too. It's quite cool how I did it for players. Maybe I'll release my code soon… I'm starting a new job soon so I might just release what I've done and let other people build on it.

  • Hello,
    In my case, I would use the very simple functionality of multiplayer.
    1. One player has its own actor.
    2. No individual movement for actors. All player characters are members of Actors group, the Actor who is party leader do movement and initiate interactions with events, other players has only "view rights"
    3. During fights each player decide actions for only his Actor when his turn starts.
    4. Same for interactions with events. Party leader can decide which actor will take interaction with event – then interaction is taken by another player "in charge".

    Basicaly only ONE player control game flow in one time. He must transfer his "control role" to another player to be in charge.

    I see this ways as adequate for my game and as most simple for any synchro of processes.

  • I don't mind releasing the code, it's pretty simple in some parts. The complex part is the member authentication. I integrated this game directly into the GDU… i.e. I made a connection between the game and this website itself.

    To get this running, you need your own server + member authentication + endpoint connecting your backend code to RMMV's javascript (which is quite easy).

    Maybe I'll set up an all-in-one system that you guys can build from. Use a custom member system from github or something.

  • Barely need it?

    I could but it'd be a high level overview. Developer's need some web skills too including server side programming and knowledge of databases (data needs to be stored remotely in a DB) not to mention user authentication.

    I try to release code in the near future.

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  • Posted February 9, 2016





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