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Project Chronos

Little update before I go to bed (It's 1:30am)

Making some good progress *grin*.
– Decided I'm not doing the reputation system I had planned. It was going to change dialog and things based on your reputation with certain characters, but I couldn't find a way to do it that I liked. I know HOW to do it obviously, but gameplay wise, it just wouldn't work and didn't seem like it was worth all the work it would take.
– Added a crafting system, which will let the player create rare items that increase stats or teach skills
– Completed the first real boss of the game and, as of this post, I'm almost done with the first dungeon.


Not making any promises, but I might be able to release an Alpha version/demo thing within the next couple months


Edit: Oh, and I added the ability to be gay so you can pick which of the two versions of Alex you want and still be the gender you want.

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  • Posted February 15, 2016





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