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RPG Maker MV Multiplayer (MMO) Project

GDU MMO Live Demo

Ok boys,


Noticed that no one replied to my other blog post. So I'll let you guys have a look at what I started. I redid the code so we're linking into GDU. Use your account, play with a friend. Remember… this code is 2 years old now.


It's simple. You can only see other users on the map and their usernames. So yeah… you need a friend to login and you can see EVERYONE who is currently online.

Comments (8)

  • @rg: yep!

    @magey: Uhh not too sure. I'm not at home at the mo' but its completely default. Are you not using windows? 

    @Pol: Neat. Ya, the code is 2 years old now and I'm a bit surpised it is working as well as it is.

    There's a bunch of work that needs to be done until it works as a game or even a basic system. 

    But if I can get those basics up and running, y'know people can play, develop their characters, and it all happens with users online together in MMO style, then I'm thinking it'd be cool to develop as people play it. We essentially need a character system down, saving, improved char syncing etc. So we don't have to commit to developing a massive project – people play, people develop, it (probably) grows. Thoughts?

    Oh shoot we'd probably need a storyline… shotgun big bad.  


  • Dude, NICE. I'll chuck if up if you PM me the .psd file (so I can take out the menus).


    Few other things: 
    -I'm not going to maintain the demo in this blog post (I think it's already broken); 
    -I'm currently look at the best options for a team-build set up. Right now it's a bit hard because the system get's all uptight about cross-domain http requests (which are needed to authenticate GDU users on our DB). Remote connections to MySQL databases are dog-slow. I want to avoid the scenarion where you build locally on your comp and then need to upload and run through just to test… It'd be managable but clearly not ideal. The priority really has to be on users having local copies of the files sitting on their comps, so they can build in RMMV, and have those files shot-up to a master copy. Right now I'm actually thinking it could be as simple as a shared dropbox folder, so files are uploaded in the background to everyone else's comp. Any ideas in that regard are welcome. 



  • @Mage: Ahhhh sorry about that, I'll try to get something new and improved up so it's much better when you try it out. This demo is super basic, slightly underwhelming. 

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  • Posted April 19, 2018





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