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RPG Maker VX Ace    Posted August 15, 2015 by DoubleX

DoubleX RMVXA Pixel Movement


Lets users set the smallest number of pixel covered per move command


# Sets the global minimum pixel covered per move command as MIN_PIXEL_MOVE
    # It must return a natural number
    # If an object moves faster than MIN_PIXEL_MOVE per frame, that object's
    # original speed will be used instead
    # If MIN_PIXEL_MOVE_VAR_ID is a natural number, the value of variable with
    # id MIN_PIXEL_MOVE_VAR_ID will be used instead of using MIN_PIXEL_MOVE

    # (v1.01a+)Sets the key to set the player's x and y positions as their
    # nearest integers as NEAREST_TILE_KEY
    # It must return a symbol and should return a keymap binding symbol
    # Using a custom keymap binding script might help setting NEAREST_TILE_KEY
    # If NEAREST_TILE_KEY_VAR_ID is a natural number, the value of variable with
    # id NEAREST_TILE_KEY_VAR_ID will be used instead of using NEAREST_TILE_KEY

The Code

License Terms

Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.


#    1. Open the script editor and put this script into an open slot between   |
#       Materials and Main, save to take effect.                               |

Version History

#    v1.01a(GMT 1600 14-8-2015):                                               |
#    1. Lets users set a key/script call to set a char to have integer coors   |
#    2. Fixed event triggered by player touch not triggering bug               |
#    3. Fixed encounters simply not working bug                                |
#    4. Fixed the bullet through paper problem when moving diagonally          |
#    5. Found the origin of the starting map not passable bug with either      |
#       vehicle's starting positions being uninitialized by users              |
#    6. Increased this script's correctness, effectiveness and efficiency      |
#    7. Little RGSS3 scripting proficiency's needed to fully utilize the script|
#    v1.00a(GMT 1600 12-8-2015):                                               |
#    1. 1st version of this script finished                                    |

Credits & Thanks


Terms & Conditions

#    You shall keep this script's Script Info part's contents intact           |
#    You shalln't claim that this script is written by anyone other than       |
#    DoubleX or his aliases                                                    |
#    None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases                       |

Comments (0)

  • [b]Updates[/b]
    [code]# v1.01a(GMT 1600 14-8-2015): |
    # 1. Lets users set a key/script call to set a char to have integer coors |
    # 2. Fixed event triggered by player touch not triggering bug |
    # 3. Fixed encounters simply not working bug |
    # 4. Fixed the bullet through paper problem when moving diagonally |
    # 5. Found the origin of the starting map not passable bug with either |
    # vehicle's starting positions being uninitialized by users |
    # 6. Increased this script's correctness, effectiveness and efficiency |
    # 7. Little RGSS3 scripting proficiency's needed to fully utilize the script|[/code]

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  • Posted about 10 years ago

  • Engine
    RPG Maker VX Ace
  • Category
    Custom Movement Systems
  • License
    Attribution 3.0 Unported
  • Version




