RPG Maker XP
One-Player Battle Script
A small change to the original battlesystem of RMXP.
Optimized to only work for one battler and in a "shoulder perspective'.
It works just the same as the regular RPG Maker XP battlesystem but with a few tweaks!
License Terms
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. The licensor permits others to copy, distribute and transmit the work. In return, licensees may not use the work for commercial purposes — unless they get the licensor's permission. The licensor permits others to distribute derivative works only under the same license or one compatible with the one that governs the licensor's work.
To install this script:
Open the Script Editor (F11)
Put a empty line under the default scripts and above main.
Copy and paste the script from the text file into the editor.
Additionally, you can copy-paste the script from the Demo on the same place.
Close the editor and enjoy!
Author Notes
If any comments, questions or bugs arise, I would love to hear from you.
This script is likely to work with any other script with the exception of script directly changing the battlesystem
Credits & Thanks
Tigurus: Creator
Terms & Conditions
– You may use this script for your game
– You may modify this script
– You may distribute this script (Though I would like you to redirect to GDUnlimited.net or the other websites located in the script)
– You may not use this script for commercial games unless discussed with the creator
– Credit is always necessary!
Comments (7)
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yo, this file doesn't have an extension
nevermind, figured it out
I've paste it on the right place, but there are still 4 battlers.
The first, Aluxes, is in the bottom center, and the others are more on the right.
Can somebody help me?????
black mage
I think you should remove the characters manually via event, or set it up so that there's only one character right at the beginning of the game.
Aidan Cha
Guys if this isnt working for u, I just found out the solution is so easy you would have to be 3 years old to figure this out. Just type .zip infront of the name
Every file on this site is gone. The download links do not work.
Yeah, it's actually a permalink issue. The files exist. Just a small bug. Glad you eventually noticed.