RPG Maker VX
RMXP Charactersets in RMVX
This script allows you to use RPG Maker XP charactersets in RPG Maker VX.
Allows for 3 types of characterests, 16×8, 4×4 and 3×4.
The Code
License Terms
Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.
Firstly, copy the script above main, or below Materials, in the Script Editor.
Next import the charactersets that you want to use into your Graphics\Characters folder.
Lastly, this script relies on the image name of your charactersets. As seen in the screenshot above, the charactersets with 4 frames across(width) and 4 frames down(height) should begin with a "#". RMXP Characterests are 4×4, so they should begin with a "#". For example: "#Fighter05.png"
If you have an RMVX type of characterset with ust one character on it, that is, 3 frames across and 3 frames down(3×4), then the image name should begine with a "$". For example: "$Fighter05.png"
Any other Characterset image without a prefix(# or $) will be defined as 16×8, the RPG Maker VX default.