Features added
- Grades
- Non-uniform outfit
- Study option
Apologies for the lack of update since November; I was rather busy with non-RPG stuff.
This time around have finally given your character the ability to wear clothes other than their uniform at weekends and in the holidays (though as yet, you get no control over this outfit or when it is worn), inserted a grade system (recieve your grades each term, improve them by doing homework, going to lessons and studying) as well as adding a "study" option in the library.
In addition I've fixed a few bugs that I've come across – notably an error in the lunch/dinner system, a major problem with the timing of actions and one involved in the "Frog Choir" option. If you find any other bugs/glitches, please let me know so I can fix them!
Not 100% sure what I'll work on next; I've started creating NPC sprites, so may devote some time to thinking up NPCs & interactions to add more interest to the day-to-day game. A skill system (cooking, mechanical etc.) will be added at some point, but I'm trying to decide how complex it should be.