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1 on 1 : A Medabot Fan Game

A quick update…



This is my first Dev blog, and sadly it’s going to be short. There have been a few changes and I’m going to list them here:


1) Changed the way combat works for now, as you battle other Medabots you will see increasing dmg appear on them as there medaparts are lost, plus as they take damage on different parts it will change the amount of damage they can do to you, i.e. destroy the left arm weapon and they can’t use it to attack you, destroy the legs and they move slower( have less agility, at least that’s the plan , I haven’t gotten the legs part to work yet mainly because of the multipart battlers)
2) Add a point based equip system, in the beginning your Medaparts will have low cost and do low-regular damage, as you level up , you will have access to higher point medaparts ,that do more damage/add more and or better skills. You cannot equip parts that make your point total go over max you have i.e. you have 10 point you can’t equip 11 point of medaparts.
3) Did away with the targeting arrow you see in the videos, instead there is a ring based targeting menu and the targeted medaparts flashes on screen.
4) I am still searching for a way to implement the combat view I want, the one where it looks like you are looking through the eyes of your Medabot while in combat.
5) I do plan on adding a type of an achievement system , probably something like a badge system and it will make it so you can’t do certain things or equip certain types of items till you have the proper achievement /badge


There are probably a few others but right now that’s all I can think of. I will be posting a new video on YouTube and then linking in on my main game page here sometime in the next day or two , I just got to fix a few more visuals ,and probably redo my game logo , something about just doesn’t seem to fit to me.


Ill post this here and add a section in the main game page, since I don’t think I have placed it anywhere as of yet.


Game Mechanics:


Combat-combat is from the first person perspective, using skills/weapons to destroy your opponent, there are two ways you can do this, destroy their chest cavity, thus releasing there medal and ending the fight, or systematically destroying their parts, either way will win the fight for you, but only one will get you the proper amount of up, and you want xp since the more xp you earn the better your medaparts can be.
Skills- Skills are not something that you always know. They are granted by the medaparts you have equipped. There are a couple different types of skills that you can get this way, but a fully geared Medabot should have between 2-4 skills in their menus.
Types of skills-
Regular skills-does regular damage has normal effects
Blitz skills-does increased damage and effects, also requires you to hit a sequence of buttons on time or nothing happens

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James Anthony Hyatt

  • Posted June 6, 2015





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