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BBCode Headings

I have added new heading BBCodes to be used through the content sections (not really the forums).
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The default IPB size bbcode is quite ugly… it merely increase the size of the body text. Headings are different: they are usually a different font, have a different line-height and other styles, and run in a hierarchy from 1 – 6. With these BBCodes you can use headings just like you would as if building a website, albeit through BBCode. Nonetheless, this will surely increase the presentation of your content, particularity in the games section.


[pagetitle]Page title[/pagetitle]

Heading 2

[heading=2]Heading 2[/heading]

Heading 3

[heading=3]Heading 3[/heading]

Heading 4

[heading=4]Heading 4[/heading]
Heading 5

[heading=5]Heading 5[/heading]


I note these is a pretty ugly issue with the pagetitle bbcode in the games section dashboard (brownie points if anyone knows why) which I will fix asap.


You would now notice if you started a new game that the hard-coded "Home" heading is now gone, and instead this heading can be whatever you want it to be by editing your homepage text in the editor (previously the heading could not be modified).
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  • Posted September 2, 2014





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