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Oni's Era

I'm sorry. Devblog 8

Wow guys.
I didnt realise how many people have actually viewed this page, makes me think out of those 650+ views that some people may actually
be interested in the progress of this game. But, bad news guys. I might cancel this project. I cant help but feel the story is broken, which it basically is.
So yes, I may cancel the project, or maybe just put it on hold. I want to create a storyline first and create a game from there. But even then, there are weakpoints, like the fact i maybe want the game to be a first person game, not an rpg :(. This game will be a tough one.
A sad day for many when there is not much motivation.

Comments (3)

  • I may work on this in the future but right now I'm doing other stuff with RMXP that may or may not be shown in the future. On this fresh slate that I'm using I'm not going to make a game page or anything for it until I know I'm dedicated to it. MMD & Oni's Era were projects that I wanted to make a page for and stuff but I just wasn't dedicated enough to complete them. Also I can confirm that even more because I never even made a storyboard, I just made the story as I went which [i]is[/i] a dangerous way to take. This new project I'm working on, if I get it to [b]50%[/b] completion then ill make a page and stuff for it, for the public to view, by then it should have a demo.
    I have high hopes for this new project that I think will far surpass Oni's Era.

  • I see. Make sure you write down your ideas for story-telling. Also you don't really need a story-board. Just take notes with the ideas you get. The script doesn't need to be 100% accurate, you can always fool around with it. Story-Writing is hard but don't limit yourself into doing one thing.

    Take breaks and comeback a couple of days later or even a take a week. These things take their time.

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David Johnston

  • Posted August 11, 2015





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