Hey everyone:
The Kickstarter process is now officially over. We have all been patting ourselves on the back and talking a little bit with the community. Let's have a look at some of the changes that have happened and what might happen as a result of some of the feedback from some of you guys.
First of all — during Kickstarter, we ran out of bandwidth on our box.com account which supports our downloads for our demo as well as our Alpha testing patches. This has caused some people to be unable to download the demo — and we're going to be adding a second box.com account to mirror all downloads, which we're hoping will solve that problem for now.
We're planning an update of the Game Trailer, and are looking for feedback from our supporters as well as people to review the game and test for bugs.
Our latest stable release of the Alpha will be uploaded around 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time today and Kickstarter backers will be notified of available downloads.
Just to review, during kickstarter we were not only sponsored for the purpose of commissioning game resources, but also had content and work donated from various sources.
Thanks to:
Dan Hotchkiss, David Lister, Kayla Zobel, and Mouth Olympus Comics for their donated content and time and everyone on the team and our backers for making Kickstarter possible!
Have a look at some of the art that has been provided for us by Mount Olympus Comics below: