Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Machine Made: Rebirth blog, wherein I talk about my quest to design a sweet JRPG, and the daily triumphs and challenges that I encounter in my attempts to be informative and entertaining. Today I'd like to start by just expressing that I personally hate Mondays and it's entirely possible that this post will go off topic multiple times, and that we may or may not cover any relevant information about the game that I am actually developing.
I'd like to spend today mostly just talking about games that have inspired me, and a few fun ideas that I came up with, since it's a Monday… and Monday is the day where we celebrate play itself, and don't get anything done! Because I hate Mondays… too much to even invent a topic for them.
How about those Player Touch events though, am I right? have you ever had the desire to have an event on the edge of the screen, but there's another event that transfers your Player on top of that event, and you just can't trigger it at the place that you want? This is really common with Player Touch events that Transfer the Player, and can cause all kinds of nonsense where your Player will have to walk around the square in order to trigger the Player Touch condition. How in the world do we fix this? Well here's one way, set variables equal to the player's coordinates and have a parallel process check if the player enters the coordinates where you want the Event to be triggered. It's a little cleaner and easier and can help you to avoid problems that come from Player Touch events!
Does anyone remember this black and white scene from Breath of Fire II? I remember when the full 16 bit colour flashed onto the screen as a kid and I was pretty impressed… it was like the nerd equivalent of what happens in The Wizard of Oz movie… sort of… I have a few ideas for black and white scenes that I want to use in Machine Made… but I haven't implemented any of them yet, since I'm unsure of how to do them as effectively as I would want… Actually the Secret of Mana games have good black and white sequences too… Final Fantasy tends to use brown instead of black and white… has anyone else noticed that? Anyhow…
Here's a map that I was working on earlier today… sometimes it's really hard to create a sense of the proper height or position of an object! I'm using a slightly different idea for the maps lately, that is to have at least one block of ceiling tile covering floor tiles that would otherwise be impassable but possibly visible from the line of sight from the character's sprite. Does that make any sense? Anyhow, here it is…
As an aside, both of our most recent versions have had two primary issues — first of all, there are a few glitches early on that can ruin the experience, and secondly — they require dropbox which apparently is not the most convenient download manager for everyone… so…
I'm intending on making another update that will end up on Google Drive, it will be again a pretty big step forward, and I'll be breaking out the playtest gloves myself to ensure that it's stable enough. Don't forget to message me if you're interested in getting your copy, otherwise I'll upload it here as soon as it's available!
I hope you all enjoyed today's blog, don't forget — it's Monday, where we have fun and talk about games we love!