Hey guys welcome back to the blog for Machine Made: Rebirth where I share my opinions about JRPGs and talk about my lofty goals in the game development world, with a different topic each day. Today's topic is just going to be sending a thanks to the community — thanks to Marked, our fans and our friends of all types and backgrounds, we're happy to be bringing things this far, the next patch is right around the corner… although today there wasn't any big news in the development side, and I've been way too busy with just life in general to make a proper blog post… other than that we hit 10 000 views of course! I'm hoping to have the next patch online or at least some new gameplay footage by the end of the week, so stay tuned for that as well — it's definitely a bit overdue! Our game trailers are actually disgustingly old right now. I can't believe no one has mentioned that. Anyway, things will be back to normal tomorrow or the next day I hope — and stay tuned for our next update, to be uploaded on Google Drive, which hopefully will be easier for everyone!
Cheers, hope you enjoyed the blog
and comment if you remember when we had less than 1000 views!