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Rubber duck race & the beta

o/ Hello and welcome to the yearly rubber duck race! o/

In this race we look which rubber duck reaches the ozonosphere first. All rubber duckies are exact identical and are attached to an green balloon filled with 0.125 liter helium. The starting conditions are absolute fair.
Let the rubber duckies fly! o/


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… and how can we keep them apart? Ôo
But… that's exactly that what makes the game fair! Everybody wins!



But joking apart! What do we celebrate?

Well, the revision of Listen comes into beta soon! After about a 3/4 year of revision. Who'd have thought it? Me neither!

Now it's time to reach for the bug hunters and grammar nazis, we need you as testers for Listen!
The beta is starting on 04/30/2015 and is going to be until 05/24/2015.

The offical release is intended for the 06/01/2015. That's enough time for us to cover every contingency.

For application and further information visit the Listen website. [Here is the article.]

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  • Posted April 12, 2015





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