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Studying the Game Industry.

I've been studying the gaming industry and the consumer base.
I'm quite surprise to see that people buy AAA games that now has presented new "next-gen" features. SO i took a hard look at my game and decided to re-work it into a more AAA game.


The game will be ULTRA CINEMATIC meaning that it will run 14 frames per second.
Posted Image I'm quite surprised that Assassin's Creed: Unity sold millions of copies with this next gen feature.


With AAA games I've seen very unpolished map designs. THAT's RIGHT unpolished and uninspiring map design! and i want my game to feel "next gen"
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Yes, i've included a un-optimized and buggy game. But people love these type of games. it is said that broken games sell more then a normal game. Broken games is truly the future of gaming.
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overhyping the game. It's something i will get attention from my game and people will play it.
I've already paid some people to damage control my game.


That's all for today people! YOU WILL LIKE MY GAME because VG Charts and other sources say that these type of games attract hardcore gamers!


i will release the game as it is. no rush, i can always patch it. screw the community and long live expensive DLC *grin*


Comments (3)

  • Firstly nice selling point jk while the charts say a "buggie" game will sell better it is not because it is broken but because it feels like more content it lets players go "look what i found that they forgot to fix" or "look at this glitch i found" the latter is mostly for fps but it also works for rpg mmo's and the like but dlc is a corporation trying to milk money out of a game by releasing unfinished products where as it should be adding to the content that is already there
    Secondly crashes and other flaws with the experience are signs that deadlines or other factors rushed the final release causing QA to suffer
    Third unpolished map design is not due to being lazy sometimes unpolished maps or environments make us nostalgic for times when a AAA game was just fun to play rather than a race for the best look because unlike movies games are interactive IE 90% of it is gameplay a game does not have to look good to be fun it has to be fun to play

    but I hope your game will be fun and a good expeirience so good luck to you

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  • Posted December 1, 2014





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