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The beginning

Well, we all have to start somewhere.


Greetings everyone. If you are reading this, then I was successful at publishing this game page for my game. Now it's barebones now, simply because no demo is ready and not any part of the mapping is anywhere near done. This is mostly an introduction post to inform you guys of this project, and what I plan to do with it, as well as the plan ahead for development.


The Game

Might as well start with the game idea itself. About 10 years ago, I was in the middle of writing a story related to a school assignment I was working on. While working on that, I suddenly got an inspiration for a game idea that I think would be really good. At the time, I only had two things, the name of the world, and the name of the villain. That's it. It wouldn't be until about 5 years later that I would have a chance to actually make a full treatment of my idea into a story. I wrote 75 pages of a first draft treatment, before I realized I was writing a cut and paste plagiarism of star trek and star wars together. It was a nightmare. I scrapped the whole idea and tried again. It took me another 3 years before I finally found a medium to build my game on. RPG Maker. I started with XP, and built from there. I didn't get very far, but it was a big learning experience.


6 months ago, around June 2015, I picked up the idea again, and attempted another write of the game idea. This time, I used a script format intended for use within the game setting. This format worked. I now have a script I am proud of and will be able to use for the game. I think you guys will like what I have to show when this game is finished in a few years.


The Plan

While I only have one idea for this game, if it goes well, I am hoping to probably tell at least two more stories within this world and then move on to something else. I am still finalizing the script so it might be some more time before I can start doing more work within RPG Maker Ace. Currently I am projecting a possible release of Fall 2018, but we'll see how well that works out. I am not going to rush the game to try and match the release time. I am but one person working on this, so I can only work when I have spare time.


Development Calander

At the time of this post writing 11/10/2015, all development work on the game except script writing has been halted. As i am one person working on this game. I've had to halt work because of my real life job. I am in the middle of a promotion program that takes up almost all of my time and I need to focus on that and not on other things. I expect work to resume sometime in February. When work has resumed, I will make another blog post to show that.


That's all for now. I'm posting this close to thanksgiving so happy thanksgiving to all and happy holidays for the months to come.

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  • Posted November 10, 2015





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