Well this seems like a rather weird post , but there's a perfectly good reason for it.
ATK: Attack (Damage)
AGI: Agility (Charge speed)
ACC: Accuracy (Chance to hit)
A weapon for duelling and cutting things. A combat staple.
ATK Medium AGI Medium ACC Medium
Strategies: Heal and attack
A weapon for stabbing or throwing. Used by knights in the Royal Guard.
ATK Sharp AGI Medium ACC Shaky
Strategies: Buff and attack
Once only a tool for cutting down trees, now a heavy and powerful weapon.
ATK Sharp AGI Slow ACC Medium
Strategies: Buff AGI and/or ATK and attack as much as you can
Used everywhere from the back alley to the kitchen. A thief's choice.
ATK Dull AGI Fast ACC Medium
Strategies: Pick off low HP enemies and poison high HP enemies
A weapon used by the natives to hunt. Slowly going obsolete with the invention of the gun.
ATK Sharp AGI Low ACC Precise
Strategies: Change up your elemental arrows for different enemies
A very powerful weapon that takes forever to reload. Replacing bows worldwide.
ATK Painful AGI Slow ACC Precise
If I got anything wrong or there's anything you want to know, just comment it.