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Wonder's War

The Last Bell

Whenever someone puts last or finished, ended or whatnot, it always means that something ended. Like put it in a video and people will think that your channel is over, or like here, it kind of sounds like I'm not continuing my project or am done the game… Well I'm referring to school, as it is finally over for me *grin*


As that final bell at school today rung, I knew that I would have all the time in the world to work on my game, so after this summer, I'm going to be far into development… or playing lots of skyrim and dark souls. I'm aiming to get at least 25% done this summer, but I'm predicting maybe a 35% completion this summer, depends on how much time I'm actually going to spend making this game. It's not an easy task to make this game, which is why I'm not making any of the complex things like scripts, battler graphics, and audio, and taking it off of free websites and steam DLC, I'm also up to donations in the form of resources, with credits given of course.


I'm making this game really large in scale, all the maps are going to be huge, and fully explorable. Though some places might seem empty, like someone I've shown a picture, all places will have life except for one place that is going to focus on visuals rather than inter-activeness. Instead of the common games that rely on small spaces, like a final fantasy world map that seems somewhat crammed and very un-proportionate to your character, or like a horror game where hallways are your landscape, you'll get to explore a world that is to size with you, all the trees are bigger than you, pathways are longer between cities, the cities and towns aren't just like 10 houses to home 50 people, but full out life like cities, that are comprised of hundreds of homes, and lots of businesses everywhere. I wish though that the camera wasn't birds eye view, due to there being the possibility that boredom can occur from looking from that perspective, I'm trying to cope for this by making the maps have backdrops, and different layers. I'm also using Moghunter's weather script to create some movement in the game. I'll also include animals in the forest, using another of Moghunter's scripts, seriously, he's an awesome scripter.


So when I talk about the cities, they match the different race's cultures. Every one is based off a real life culture, I'll let you figure that one out. Here's an example, the Humes and Orden in this game are mortal enemies towards the Elves because of the perceptions of a superior government. I'm basing the hate between the races between real interactions in real life, if you have a very good eye. The easiest example to identify is the Nozan, who are obviously based off of Japanese culture. The hardest cultures to identify would be the ancient races, for they are not based directly off of countries, but more off of religions.


Well, I'm going to enjoy my first day off by creating the cooking system for my game, which I'll find rather enjoyable as I have to create many different recipes for things you can cook in the game. So until the next blog, Ardi out.

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  • Posted June 23, 2015





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