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Secrets of Kankara

Vacation Is Over, Back To Work Again

Vacation came to a close this week and so it's back to work again. This month I'll be working on dungeons and only dungeons, doing layout and creating puzzles, finding stuff for my bosses (which is the hardest part because there are practically no resources for bosses that animate), and making sure it's big enough. The most challenging part aside from finding assets, is making the layout to be one big puzzle itself, not being able to access a room unless certain conditions are met for the player, such as finding a key and such. It's a challenge, but it's fun to do, especially when the reward is seeing others play it and/or enjoy it.
In any case, I wanted to say hi to my fans out there and to let you all know that I'm still working hard to bring you the best game that I can.

Comments (2)

  • That part is certainly a challenge–puzzles are extremely hard for me to design, or at least a kind of puzzle that hasn't been widely used yet.

    Much luck with your game. I hope that I'll be able to play it eventually as well. The gameplay video looks promising (and I don't like VX Ace much, so that means something).

  • [quote="GermanyXItaly1000"]That part is certainly a challenge–puzzles are extremely hard for me to design, or at least a kind of puzzle that hasn't been widely used yet.

    Much luck with your game. I hope that I'll be able to play it eventually as well. The gameplay video looks promising (and I don't like VX Ace much, so that means something).[/quote]
    Yeah, puzzles kind of require a bit of forethought in their design, especially with dungeons because you have to think "where am I going to put the key to this room, and how will that effect the player's direction?" Though, I'm thinking if I build them backwards, that would make it easier lol (starting with the last locked door and working my way backwards). And there's also not wanting to reuse old puzzles too, but that's another thing.

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  • Posted January 12, 2015





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