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Entries in this blog


The Journey to Crystals of Chaos

Well, I was thinking back today on how I used to make games before I found RPG Maker. So, I figured I'd tell everyone how it was back then. Back then (when I was about 9), I used to play a lot of games. One day, I decided I wanted to make a game. Well, at that time, I didn't have the "technology" I guess you could say, to do it. So, I relied on other things. First, I just started playing my games more often, then, I started grabbing note cards and writing things down.   I would make lists on t




Really pressing into CoC

Ok, so, I decided that I'm really going to start pressing into Crystals of Chaos again. I want to get it done. I've been slacking off because of lack of ideas...but now that I have nothing to do anymore, the ideas have begun to come back to me. So, I'm going to go ahead and get back into it, and work on it again. Hope it works out. Anyone wanting to help, please do so, I need all the graphic and VA help I can get right now.




That lonely feeling

This is something I posted on myspace a couple days ago...so...it is written from May 11...so, anything referring to "today" means may 11...   Well...it's official...after today, I have to say, being lonely sucks...I dunno why, I just feel so lonely...I need to be with someone...or at least...I want it a lot...I have feelings for a girl I know...but I don't know how to tell her... Normally, I blurted it out...but she's different... I want to be friends with her, which we are, and I'm afraid my




A writer in a dark land

Don't ask about the title, please...here's what I wanted to say. As of late, I have cut production work on JoH: CoC for certain reasons. They are as follows:   No graphics to finish the game Writer's Block   The second I find is interesting, as I KNOW what I want to happen, yet I still have writer's block. To quote a famous (sort of) webcomic artists: "I know what I want to have happen next, and yet I still somehow have writer's block? How does that work?!" and also, from the same author "W




First post!

Yeah, just happy. I got the first blog and so forth up. I'll make an actual entry soon...I have an idea of something, but I'm not 100% sure about it yet.



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