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Random stuff about my game or other stuff

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Might Start Using Again/Game Progress

I might just start using blogs again(last time was in 2009) to give me something to do and maybe a way to keep me working on my game. As you may know im working on a 2d open world game. You can kind of say its a 2d skyrim clone with some more features. In the past few days i been working on refining the systems. I been working on the following in the past few months: Dynamic Rep System - Every action has an reaction. Meaning that if you make enemies with someone chances are that their friend w




Umaro Tondaro Demo V1.0

The demo has been released. you can download it from here. http://files.filefront.com/Umaro+Tondaro+D...;/fileinfo.html   Sorry for the big size. I made it so people without RTP can play it.




Umaro Tondaro

I have had my project going for a while now and its getting good. The demo has been released but not publicly yet. If you wish to try the demo ask via PM and i will give you a link. I plan on a public demo to be releaced by Feb. 20th.   UPDATE: Due to lots of things going on the demo has been changed to the end of the month.




Game Fatal Error!

My game just had a bad error and i have to remake the whole project. At least i saved the 75 maps i have made. But its to much work to continue so i don't know what to do as of yet.



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