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Wyzrd's Blog

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A Rapper's Life (I Guess Lol)

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It's Gotta Be Love

It's Gotta Be Love I love you with all my heart, Love you with every ounce of blood, That surges through my cursed veins, You turned me into a man, A man ready for responsibility, A man ready to embrace fatherhood, 'Cuz I want you to have my child, 'Cuz when we talk about it you smiled, I could tell you wanted it as much as me, We could of started us a family, I'm sorry for the times that I made you cry, Make me wanna kill myself, why?, I'm sorry for puttin' you through hell, I kno




Let Me Live My Life

Let Me Live My Life   I walk where my life takes me. Sometimes, I not know the dangers I will encounter. I anticipate them happenin', but have no control over the natural flow. I trip and I fall, but I stand right back, at attention. No sense, of where I proceed. I look left, I look right, I look backwards, I look forwards, I look down. No power to look up, I chose not to believe. That doesn't mean, your not in titled to your beliefs. Just comprehend, if your talkin', and I walk away. It's n




Blinded By Darkness Sometimes

Blinded By Darkness Sometimes     Sometimes, we are blinded by our own darkness. We must succumb, to the dark, before we walk into the light. If we know not, what plagues us, then how you presume, we find the cure? We each have them moments, where our life is lost. Sometimes, we must walk our own path, regardless of, how wrong or right, such path may be. We are us, we are different. We are individuals, we will walk, the path we choose. At times we withdraw, into ourselves. Even though, it i




The Man Behind The Mic

Wyzrd has finally decided to release a album called "The Man Behind The Mic." All beats will be produced by StoneCityPropa. If you are interested in doing album artwork, please drop a message on here, also include a price range. Below will be a listing of some tracks to possibly go on the album. Some might not later make the cut and this will probably change so check back every now and then.   1. Intro 2. Bleed Out 3. Call Back 4. Exhale 5. Finally 6. For The Fans Feat. Yung Huslah &



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