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I was so close to release the fixed demo when out of nowhere it crashes ... Added starting logos Add more hd scenes

Broken Messiah

Broken Messiah


Progress as of 12-8-10

Fixed major lag Getting ready to release final(no matter what) demo Removed gender selection due to the fact that I was almost making two forms of the same game which became very confusing and buggy

Broken Messiah

Broken Messiah



Currently I'm working my way to the trial of Suzaku Kururugi which is going to be a big benchmark in the game as it is where the story begins to differ depending on what choices you made. I think that in the end it will be two games in one almost. I still have to redo the sprites and tilesets so that they are custom and non rtp, which should eat up a good bit of time. 

Broken Messiah

Broken Messiah

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