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About this blog

A blog of the latest tweaks and updates

Entries in this blog


Ditching Joomla, new website

Oh hi.   I thought I would update you on the future plans I have for the rmxpu website...   Joomla is great open source software, however it has a several flaws. The main one for me is speed. Joomla tries to accompany everyone and therefore it has far too much unnecessary code and functions, etc. It also has a lot of limitations because you have to use their framework. The user-integration is rather inefficient and there no alternatives (in fact few sites are able to establish user-integra




Tutorials Concept

So how do you make a tutorials component? There aren't exactly any defined parts of information you can lob into a bunch of textfields.   Here's one way you can do it. You have one type of element that you can too your page - a step. You can add unlimited steps, set the order of each step. Further you have a series of elements attached to each step -> Body of text, images, downloads, videos etc.   This makes it really easy to make a tutorial. You can instantly see what your tutorial loo




New Homepage concept

Good evening forum goers,   I have been thinking of a new homepage concept. At the moment we just have news and a few things in the sidebar.   What I'm thinking of is something similar to the ever popular new grounds: http://www.newgrounds.com/   They have a lot of content available right there for you. So what I'm thinking of is for the homepage for the one stop for all your content. We sort of do have a lot of content, at least a lot of potential content (if we were more active). Part




Clubs - Add your Project

Originally there was going to be a separate application, similar to the RGSS Scripts section, for showing off your projects. However since I started developing a clubs system which is mainly is going to be used to coordinate team projects, I thought I may as well add the functionality to display and present the project you're working on. This also allows clubs to be made for any and all projects.   When you create your club you may click the 'Project Settings' button which will take you to th




Clubs - First Look

Hey guys,   Today I'm going to show you the first glimpse at the clubs component I am working on for the website.     What is the Clubs Component for? First of all there are two types of clubs you can create: Social and Project clubs. Social clubs are for whatever interests you have and are just a place for getting together and discussing that topic. For example, you could create a 'Movies' club and the creator of the club could write reviews for it. Secondly, the main focus of Project




RMXPU Legends Updated

For Arkbennetts Wiki I'm going to update my RMXPU Legends Blog entry, but I'll start off this one by using what i wrote in the past.   The RMXPU Legends are the members who I helped me and the site out a lot, and maybe this is some sort of recognition for them. I hope no one is offended being left off of the list. It is largely based on the members who I communicate a lot with, so there are naturally going to be some deserving members left off the list.   I'll group them into categories. T




The VIP/Sponser Concept

With only 2 weeks before my first exam, I am deep in procrastination I seem to be having a lot of ideas...   One such idea, one for the future when activity lifts so high we can't even see it, is the VIP/Sponser usergroup.   The only reason such a group would exist is to 1. retain valued members and offer them this for free and 2. because we can create super cool features that would no be manageable if EVERY member had these permissions. Emphasis on #2.   What would members in the Spons




Merging of a few forums

Now that we have a good, full-proof system of topic prefixing and thus easily distinguish topics of different engines, I have been thinking of merging the forums in the Game Dev category.   At the moment, clearly there's a bit of confusion going on. The amount of topics in the wrong forum is frustrating. For me, I just have to read what forums are there and I know where it all goes. Why is that so hard? Apparently it is. One answer to that question is that we two types of forums in the Game D




Guest commenting allowed in RGSS Scripts Archives

All,   Recently I have noticed a huge decrease in the comments in the RGSS Scripts archives. Before the update everyone could comment, but RMXP Unlimited members couldn't use their accounts.   Since the upgrade guests haven't been able to comment, just members. I have changed the settings so both members and guests can comment in the hopes of stimulating the number of comments and also to help more people with scripts :)




Inactivity D:

Hey everyone :)   Haven't made a blog post in a long while, and also kinda bored so I'll I thought I'd make one.   First of all I am going to be pretty inactive for a while with exams. I have my first on the 29th of October and the last on November 4th. So I don't suspect I'll be doing too much before then.     I think we've all noticed a pretty big drop in activity on the forums. Lately I've found myself thinking about when is the right time to stop. I'm wondering if RMXPUnlimited has




Topic Bumping

I updated the topic bumping settings due to a few really old topics getting bumped...   Firstly though, if anyone see's these old topics, don't necro-post. It really is unnecessary.   If you're really confused about something, post in the feedback forum.     i accidentally allowed guests to bump topics... I changed that and also restricted bumping to the Game Dev forums. That should help.




Limitations on Signature Size

Recently I have noticed a lot of members signatures on the forums taking up the entire screen, which I think is a bit excessive.   So now there is a limitation of the size. If the signature is greater than 400px, a scrollbar will appear and to see the entire sig a member will have to scroll down.   It's not exactly a limitation but it looks much better now when viewing topics.




Development on a new theme

Hey guys,   Today I'm going to post a screenshot of the forum skin I have been working on. It's based off of the new site skin, which I did not make.   Features of the forum skin: -uses sprites and the same images from the site(which means faster loading) -uses a menu derived from the database, and is the same for both site and forum -breadcrumbs system is integrated(not shown on the site screenshot)   So I'm going to post the forum screenshot first, followed by the site screenshot f




A new theme

Hey guys,   As I have stated recently, I am planning on creating an new skin for the site.   Here's what it should look like within the near future:   This shows only the website, but I plan for this to be forums skin as well.   What do you guys think?




Coming updates

Hey guys,   It's been a while since the last major update, and nothing much has really been happening, so I'll try to write a little insider on what's to come.   First of all is a new, global skin. As I said in my last blog entry, it should be difficult to distinguish the website from the forum. It will also be a completely new look, but this will take some time to develope. I don't necessarily design skins myself, because if someone can do it better, then why do it yourself? Instead I lik




Completeing Integration?

Hi all,   I haven't made a Dev Blog entry in a while, but trust me there are many things being developed.   I'll try to keep this one short. This is about completing website-forum integration, visually. At the moment the integration is very efficient, we can share database information back and forth between the website and the forum as if they were one software. It could be better, but it works. But it does at times look weak mainly due to the fact that the two look completely different.




Menu Integration

Hey Everyone,   Yesterday I just completed something I've been working on bit by bit over the past week. It is an IPB(forum) hook which completely rebuilds the menu system from the website, one of the most complicated things I have attempted so far.   Here is little preview for those who don't understand. This preview is from my test board on which is an offline server, and I use default installations of each software, so it doesn't look anything like RMXPUnlimited:   The menu works ve




Chatroom & Project Card Generator

Chatroom Chatroom, the glorious chatroom. Linky: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/chat.html Its not an IRC, but why are those things so popular anyway? Coz u can access it off the website? I dunno, I don't know too much about that stuff. I'm very anti-social in life and internet. Ok this chatroom has bunch of nice features, but one of the reasons I chose this one is that it's member integrated. When I finally re-integrated the forums with the site I think a lot of members were thinking s




Game Engine Forum Structure Proposal

This entry was made for the purpose of community discussion and feedback   I have been wondering what is the best way to support multiple engines, and to promote new ones(primarily RPG Maker VX). I have looked at how other forums do this (most not RPG Maker forums/competitors) and most of them have identical forums for each engine. Something we tried, and I don't particularly like. To sum up our 1/4 year forum-structure transition, these are final changes I want implement. I'd like users to co




User Stats & Socializing

Over the past few days I have been working on a new website component. To build on the last announcement, Re-Integration, this component shows what we can do with the integration.   The User Stats component is a fully integrated component using the websites framework and our own website-forum bridge. It contains stats for your topics, polls, posts, profile, reputation and posts. The reason I have been working on it for three days is because, believe it or not, it has over 800 lines of code an




Website fixes & forum tweaks

Auto Welcome PMs This new modification automatically sends welcoming PM to members upon registration. The PM contains useful links to members' profile settings, rules and guidelines and the welcome forum.   Website Javascript Fixed The javascript on the website has been broken for months, which has been a complete mystery to me why. There's a million tests I can do to narrow down the problem and nothing worked. By a little bit of luck I found out what was causing it. A module called GTransla




Updates 12 Jan

Login Module Updates A 'My topics' link has been added to the default fields of the login module. The default fields are marked out in the image below. The Gallery and Blog links will only show up if the user has a blog or an album. If the user gets a new PM, a link will appear below the avatar and display how many new PMs the member has.   Flash Uploader This is actually a default feature, the only reason it is hidden away is because it's not compatible with all browsers. When you attach





Hey there RMXPUnlimiters!   For those who don't know me, my name is Mark, you're friendly RMXPUnlimited administrator.   I am the creator of RMXPUnlimited, which was officially started in May, 2006. It is the first month of 2010, and the site is still up 'n running, with big plans for the future. We're only 3 years young, and just beginning to come out of our shell.   In this blog I will be 'logging' and discussing new stuff on RMXPUnlimited, and there is PLENTY to come. Hopefully enoug



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