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Marks Bloggy

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RMXPU in 2011

RMXPUnliminted in 2011   Hello RMXPUnlimiteder's,   In Todays blog I'm going to go through a list of my current future plans that will you a little confused and hungry for more (hopefully).   So, whats in store this year for RMXPUnlimited....   A new theme This site is in major need of a new look. I thought this one was cool when we first got it, but now its getting old and leaves a lot to be desired. Its not even unique.   Real User Profiles I did a little experimenting to see if




Script Submission Script takes form!

The main form of the scripts submission script is complete.   This is nearly what it's going to look like, minus all the uploading fields. There will be a place where you upload all your screenshots, your script(in the form of an .rtf text file), and a place for uploading manuals.   There will also be a submit button at the bottom, and a couple more fields to come.   Check out the progress here: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/contact-us.html




Script Archive Submission Coding Begins!

After putting it off all week, I've finally began coding the Script Archive Submission form.   note: the first release will be a rough draft that at the very least works. Slowly as I learn I will make it more advanced and efficient so that eventually it will work on any site with the only editing required being a few variables. That's the plan.   Progress as of 27th June 2009 The only thing I've done so far is create the category selection drop-down box. [spoiler=looks like this]   Un




Who's Online Module Stylized

Who's Online Module:   Now stylized to reflect the online members user group. One of my more challenging features, due to working with code slightly more complicated than I'm used to thanks to Joomla.   Features: All member group styles Links to Profiles   Script Archive Update I am currently learning the php and queries that I need to make this work. But I'm very confident that I can do it, and I will have the main guts of the code done very soon. This will include the ability to ed




Sunday, June 21 Updates - Column headers

Column headers   Column headers, a feature missed out apon release of the Script Archive, are headers above the various types of information on the category view.     This took me ages to do. The script information and the actual headers are in completely different sections, so to get them aligned up perfectly with one another was a real mission. This feature is pretty much five words, and it took 2 hours to do :huh:




RGSS Scripts Section Refined

We have refined the RGSS sections for RPG Maker XP and RPG Maker VX to the following categories: Custom Menu Scripts Any scripts that mess with the menu system Custom Component Scripts Any scripts that add unique systems to the game Custom System Scripts Any scripts that change the core system of the game, like weather scripts Custom Battle Systems [ self explanatory Actor Enhancement Anything that changes the actor growth and abilities Misc Any scripts that do not fall under th




Email Cloaking Fixed

The Email Cloaking issue has been fixed. Email Cloaking is where an email address is in the content of a page, it becomes a link with "mailto:" before the email address. This was an issue particularly with scripts because a lot of them contain "0...@" or something similar that a script identifies as an email address. When scripts were pasted to RPG Maker it replaced the code, causing a syntax error.   Since this issue has been fixed, a lot of the Script Articles on the site will be reformatte




Website Updates, Spambot prevention and Blog Question

Firstly we'll start with the website. A couple of weeks ago I made an announcement to try and encourage users to upload their projects. It could have gone better, but at least there was some response, and not none at all. On the front page of the website is a paragraph to try and encourage new visitors to the site to upload and create articles for their projects. It says(links won't show up): Changes to the website is of course development of the Link Directory. Nisage has helped out quite a




New post icons

I have been meaning to replace the old post icons for a long long time. The others were ugly and pixely, hopefully I have made an improvement with the new ones. I think in the future I will make a larger variety, but for now here's what we've got:   RMXP   RMVX




Section Updates Begin

This week has been pretty slow in terms of production of the website. I've had no time this week, but we have a four day easter weekend.   The RGSS Section has been updated a bit, along with a new banner. The main issue with the RGSS Section is the amount of sections to split the Scripts up into. At first there were 20 sections, which was far too many as it made the drop-down menu stretch out of the screen. Reducing it to 11 is fine, but it is more difficult to find the right sections for scr




The Website so far

I've decided to start making Blog entries for the RMXP Unlimited Website a month into construction.   After seeing the features of the Joomla! software, and the amount of extensions and templates available, I decided to create a website for RMXP Unlimited.   The first job was setup sections. This wasn't so easy because of the release of RPG Maker VX. This meant I had to devide the website into two sections, one for RMXP and one for RMVX. I firstly added the RGSS section for both RPG Makers




RMXP Unlimited Legends

This blog entry is dedicated to the members of RMXP Unlimited who helped me and this site much.   SCMike/Emily_konichi - This member has been there from the beginning. Ever since I first started the forum, he was there. For all his work and effort to this forum, he has become a Administrator. He is definitely responsibly for the existence of the forum today.   Blazinks - The other "original". Not at all active on this forum, he was on the original forum and is the other member responsible




RMXP Unlimited - The History(Updated 15th Dec)

3-October 06(The new forums is made) This is when I first started the new forum. With completely new members and posts. I didn't want to lose all of the data from the previous forums, but it would take up to four weeks to get the Database, so we had to start over. Things started ok, but then it started to go down hill.   The forum was hacked by Arab Hackers who did not like Westerners, according to the page which replaced the forums. So every time I went on the forums, I had to fix the forum



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