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Zanime Network Logs

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Local Host

Reader,   I am working on Zanime on my server side (my computer) and will upload to site/database when it is done.   v/Respectfully Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot


Keeping you Informed

Reader's,   You will note that the site/urls lead to a simple host page. This is due to attempting to get a Joomla template I paid for over two years ago. They will be working when I have the template and upload.   v/Respectfully, Noob Saibot (Gaara, Zanime Network)

Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot


Testing Joomla & vBulletin Intagration

Reader's,   I know I said I did not want to try and find a integration, but as far as I am concerned the only integration I am looking for is log in and keeping members logged in if they go from the site to the forum. I was told of a nice thing that will do this. So We are currently testing it and it it works we will be using Joomla and vBulletin. v/Respectfully, Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot


Anime Themes

Reader's,   Zanime has been deciding on what we will offer to our viewers and members and although watching Anime is a big hit online, it is also illegal if you do not have permission. Now we could by pass this by hosting the videos on such places like MegaVideo, but then we have to keep up with the links and make sure they exists; far to much time and effort. So we decided to offer Window 7 (will be available upon launch) and Mac (in development) Themes. It is not much, but every site needs a

Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot


Out with Wordpress

Reader,   Well Wordpress seems to not be functioning as it should (or more like how I want it). So I will be using Joomla instead; which is fine because Zanime.net and Zanime.org are not intergrated.   v/Respectfully, Noob Saibot (Gaara, Zanime Forums)

Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot


Skin Is Done

Reader,   Well Zanime's custom skin, created by VB Style is done and uploaded and active for viewing. You can view it live at http://www.zanime.net.forum.php or see the image below. The site and forum are still under development content wise so I suggest waiting on signing up.     v/Respectfully, Noob Saibot (Gaara, Zanime Forums)

Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot


Zanime.org Slow Start

Reader,   Zanime.org is our planned to be information site. It will have the basic information such as about us as well as the latest news regarding Zanime (well Zanime.net will tell the latest news about Anime itself). Unlike Zanime.net it is not linked to our main site thus separate registration will be required, but this should not be an issue as we will make discussion topics on our forums any way. However this site may take a little longer to set up and is sitting there with place holder

Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot


Zanime Creation

Readers,   Well I decided to finally start a community of my own. However it won't be the run of your mill game making community. I have simply lost interest in starting my own game making community and decided that I would do a Anime one instead. Why? I like Anime is the simple answer and probably the only answer I can give. I watch it a lot; at least four times a week (online or, DVD, or TV). Of course this is something I have been planning for 3 months by registering two domain names and pa

Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot

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