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formlesstree4's blog about VB Programming!

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Getting closer!

First up, huge Thank You to Marked. I was at a dry point in programming Pool when he gave me some motivation to get my spirits up and going. Thanks again man.   Next, I've finally figured out how to do the GUI for the Basic Theme, and funnily enough, it shrank! I originally had to do a separate form for each different type of item that Pool could download, which was a HUGE waste of resources. Now, one there is one form for browsing items. It's looking great. It almost completely works, just mi




RMXP Pool's Download Manager

Yesterday, I told you I was fussing over the program's Queue System. Well, I finally got my act together and hammered out the rest of it. :king:     The new queue system! Woo! Eventually, it'll get more advanced, but right now it works perfectly. Just the way I like it and so will you. It can be manipulated, stuff added & removed dynamically with a clean interface! Downloading has never been easier. The forms will have an Add To Queue button where the file will be added to the Queue wh




My my my, how time flys

Before I knew it, February has come and is nearly gone. Yet here I sit, staring at RMXP Pool v2 thinking "What the ****..."   RMXP Pool has come quite a ways in terms of how advanced it is. Unfortunately, with that advancement comes how messy and complex the source code can get. :62: The Queue system isn't the problem anymore, it's the GUI actually...the fact that I need to get handlers to adjust and change is the problem, and it's not <_<   Well, enough about my rantings...I'll g





Gahhh!!! Sometimes Visual Basic pisses me off a lot. I make major progress on a downloading queue system and all of a sudden, BAM. Everything goes to h*ll in a hand basket. I have somehow broken half the source to RMXP Pool beta 2 and now I have to redo the entire default GUI (which I had already planned on doing, but not right away). :dragonshock:     On top of this, I've been working on some ArkTek products (can't name them here) and my console game decided to go kaboom too. It was workin




Released RMXP Pool v2 Beta 1 Today

I feel so accomplished today! After quite a long time of debugging, coding, scratching my head, and throwing a fit at the compiler, RMXP Pool v2 was released! It's just the first beta of probably several before the final version is fully released :blink: , but I'm still quite proud of it!   Hope you guys check it out & use it! I want all the bug reports that you get so I can start doing fixes for it!! Oh and my web browser tutorial will be coming up shortly, I was just rather busy with R




Constructing Structures, their uses, and interaction

I do not support the usage, selling, buying, or anything to do with illegal drugs. Structures aren't exactly the easiest thing for someone to get used to. Their concept is really neat, but an example of actually using one is not all that easy to figure out.   The main difference between classes and structures is, classes are reference types and structures are value types. In practical terms, structures are used for smaller lightweight objects that do not persist for long and classes are used



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