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Multi-threading in RGSS

Here are a few thoughts on multi-threading in RGSS. They may very well be applicable to RGSS2, but on the other hand there might be differences. I am assuming that you have knowledge on the multi-threading in general.   Single Core It doesn't matter how many threads you make, only a single core on a single cpu can be utilized in RGSS. I believe this is a short-coming of the Ruby interpreter itself although I am not completely sure. It does seem like the Audio runs in a thread outside the R





Here's a little mention about an interesting special term, __END__. The rest of the section after that will not be run. In fact I believe the parser will stop at __END__ and therefore won't even build the abstract syntax tree for what comes afterwards. (An effect is the lack of syntax checking) This can be used for preventing the inclusion of test code except when you want to use it.   I am sure you can see how it can be helpful in providing test data for scripters while being ignored normal




Waiting for movement's completion

To show one use of my Interpreter command_355 fix I'll show how you can make events wait for movement of a single event or the player to finish rather than all movements which the Wait For Move's Completion command does. Let's add this little snippet for checking whether Game_Character is moving or not. (Both Game_Player and Game_Event inherits from that class: (Add anywhere above main)   http://paste-bin.com/view/6af9b1c2   It returns :wait when called. You can now put $game_player.wait_fo




Interpreter command_355

This command has given people headaches and many don't really understand it. In the default scripts if the script call is evaluated to false then the event waits and tries evaluating the script again. Naturally if you don't think or accidentally cause false to be the result of the script call all the time, the event practically freezes. An example could be $game_switches[42] = false which will evaluate to false every time. I really think that is not the purpose. Of course you could have $game




What does this script do? :3

Hey all! I stumbled upon project which contained a script I made who knows how long ago. I admit I had completely forgotten about it.   So who can guess what it does? It's obviously for XP since it does something with terrain tags, but what? I may update this post with the answer some time later :3   *hugs*   class Game_Character attr_accessor :terrain_tag alias_method(:zeriab_terrain_tag_passable, :passable?) def passable?(x, y, d) new_x = x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0)




Extracting the dialogue of a project

Here is a small script I cooked up some time ago.   It extracts all the text messages and choices of all the events in the game. One file for the map events, another for the common events and a third text file for the battle events.   It can be useful for reviewing purposes and also for simple-minded word spell-checking. Note that since there is loss of information to the format presented you should consider it infeasible to be able to inject your modifications back into the project by auto




My blog

I already have my site which is kinda bloggish: http://sites.google.com/site/zeriabsjunk Commenting for visitors is tedious at best, so I will be crossrefering to this blog in case anybody wanted to comment on anything.   I'll start by reposting the RGSS related entries from my site here should people want to comment on them.   Note that scripts for RPG Maker XP are filed under RGSS and scripts for RPG Maker VX are filed under RGSS2. Entries about scripts that works in both are filed under



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