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AHG makes a game in a week. Follow the adventure!

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And we're checking in on day 3 of the Make A Game In A Week (Actually 40 Hours Over Two Weeks) challenge. To recap what's already happened:   I came up with a plot, setting, a full cast of characters, and needed maps for the game, including concept art and plenty of notes. It's a Western romance story, and that's all I'm saying for the moment.   I started to work on the main map, having a lot of hiccups because I had to stop and edit the RTP material to get it to look just right.   I rea




The canyon is really taking shape.

It's a bit slower than I expected, but then it's also a bit bigger than I expected... not necessarily a bad thing, since it is going to comprise most of the world. Still, I ended up having to prune the map down, so fortunately it's not going to be the 200x400 monstrosity I'd originally thought it would end up. Its current height is 181x300, which is just about right for all the features I wanted to stick into it.   I did discover a trick that makes the mapping much easier: I open Paint.NET (




Just so you know...

This isn't going too well at the moment. I've sunk over 10 hours into this monstrosity already, and I'm still working on the first (and biggest) map. It's taken a LOT more work than I anticipated, even with careful planning.   Fortunately, I'm over the worst part now - defining the locations for everything - and I can get on to the serious business of decorating. My plans for this are simple: render large chunks of the map inaccessible using Undulation, then decorate everything the characte



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