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The Path to my Game

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The twist no one saw coming

Hello again,   So, recently (more like yesterday) my brother and I decided to turn the story around. We now have an idea about how the world will look and luck for us we wrote it down! Now things are going to change...No werewolf, no aliens, just a fantasy game. The story, building, the people forming, and the world beginning. As this new chapter in our quest to create a game together (my brother and I) we are starting to see just how and what things will need to be done!   Time to let the s




The Beginning

Hey there everyone, so you reading my blog. That's freak'n awesome. Now, my story of why I am making this game.   So, my younger brother and I fight a lot. Since I will be leaving home soon, I wanted to see if I could mend things before I left. So, I decided to ask him if he wanted to make a game with me. He agreed quickly, and we started coming up with ideas. He wanted to make a game about a werewolf. So, I told him that would be a great idea! We started to create the center kingdom. He wante



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