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progress in all FFXP games

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Final Fantasy XP: Legend of the Golden Knight (Working title)

I've got another idea for a game, and it involves sorta starting over with FFXP. This game will be completely unrelated to the others except for the Final Fantasy parts. Just like FFAce, I probably won't work on it much...If I ever start it.   So far I have a basic story and a few characters. There are a few things inspired by Kingdom Hearts, and probably something else too that I just can't think of...I was watching Fullmetal Alchemist a few days ago for the first time. Maybe that will insp




FFXP 4 progress 5/24/11

I have most of the story thought up in my head. If you have played most of the Kingdom Hearts games, you will understand the story, especially since i explain everything in the first 3 at the beginning. It will also explain what kind of "chosen one" bob is.




Final Fantasy XP 4: Progress 5/20/11

Still need scripts, and some sprites. I'm not sure exactly what i'll need later, but i know i'll need it.   I almost finished Chapter 2, story event wise, but i haven't finished everything. There are currently no shops or inns. the buildings are there tho. I've got a lot of it planned out, but i'll most likely change it once i get to certain parts. I do that all the time.




How's my mapping now?

I've been working on my mapping. here's the new Player's house for FFXP4. the door in the back leads outside.




What do you think?

I've been working on the remakes for my first three games, Final Fantasy XP, Final Fantasy XP 2 and Final Fantasy XP 3, the remakes are title Re: Final Fantasy XP 1, 2, and 3. The links are here.   i REALLY want to know what people think of Re:FFXP, and the demo for Re:FFXP2. Re:FFXP2 is about halfway done. post comments here or in the thread.   Thanks :biggrin_002:




Remake progress

working on the ice cavern. (third dungeon)     dungeons: Earth Temple, Fire Temple, *Ice cavern, Water Temple, Sky Tower, **Desert Temple, Evil Castle, ***Troll's Stomach, Mewtwo cave, Evil Castle (upper floors)   *technically part 1 of the Water Temple **actually in two parts ***very short dungeon




FFXP7 intro

the beginning will be serious and funny at the same time, it will show the beginning of the Mega Man 4 intro, but with different music and text.   story: For over 100 years, mankind has relied on a substance called Sevusion to run their machines and robots, since it improves the efficiency of any machine.   1 year later a problem is discovered with Sevusion. the mistake of relying on this substance could be catastrophic.   2 years after the discovering of this problem mankind has nearly




More changes in FFXP remake

there will be new maps, some maps will be cut out. two of the elementals have better names old names: Terra, Flambe, Aqua, and wind elemental new names: Terra, Ignis, Aqua, and Caeli what they mean in Latin: Earth, Fire, Water, and Sky. I wind in Latin is Ventus, and when I hear Ventus, I think of this guy however, Ignis also sounds like a guy, and all the elementals are girls (blame Enterbrain), so I might change that. may also be remaking FFXP2 and 3. (mostly the maps for those ones)




FFXP remake 1-5-11

yes, I'm remaking the first FFXP. the original kinda sucked. whats New: Better Maps story is explained more minimap different windowskin different music you can name Thief and Mage there is an animation for waking through doors   what I'm NOT changing: the general location of everything the basic story the enemies and bosses the characters the Menu the battle system what everyone looks like items and equipment skills stats puzzles in dungeons number of dungeons etc.




FFXP6 1-4-11

done with the credits. when Free To Play comes back, I'm going to put on the finishing touches. I'm going to test everything, I'm going to do a quick play through to make sure everything is the way I want it.




FFXP6 1-3-11

the next thing I'm going to do is the credits. people to credit: Free To Play Blizzard Sithjester Nintendo Square Enix ETC.





Story ideas: where i got the idea: a legendary giant robot thing that is underground FFX-2 ancient Civilization Metroid Prime rotting planet Final Fantasy space pirate attack Metroid Prime alien War Halo space bounty hunters





I have the entire game figured out now. f2p is helping with some maps. I'm currently working on the last dungeon. I still need a synthesize script, and some sprites



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