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dev blog :3

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Lesson 7: Flow Control -- Looping

Lesson 7: Flow Control - Looping   Ah, looping. Loops, in my opinion, are what separate a "script" from a "program." So, here comes the obligatory...   What is a loop?   Think of the word loop, in the terms of a song loop -- we say a song is looping when it repeats, once it reaches the end. A loop in programming, is generally a block of code that is repeated any arbitrary number of times. For example, at its very essence, all a video game is, is a huge loop continuously taking input




Lesson 6: Flow Control - Decision Making

Lesson 6: Flow Control - Decision Making In the previous lesson, I taught you about boolean logic. Hopefully, you have a good basis to the concept. This lesson will actually put that logic to good, practical use. This lesson is the first part in the series on Flow Control. Now, for the obligatory "What is flow control...?" At this point, all your programs have had a very basic flow, just execute each line, one by one. However, when you start making real applications/programs, you'll fin




Lesson 5: Intro to Boolean Logic

Lesson 5: Intro to Boolean Logic   You may remember from Lesson 2 (Data types) the "Boolean" data type. If you don't, that's okay; we didn't do much with them. But after this lesson, I promise: you will be on your way to becoming a boolean master. Money back guarantee! (yes, I do know you aren't paying anything for this...MUAHAHAHA!!! err, ahem..)   So, like I mentioned before, a boolean is either "true" or "false" in ruby. Really though, all a boolean is, is a representation of two poss




Learning Ruby -- Lesson 4: Variables, User Input and Type Conversion

Lesson 4: Variables, User Input and Type Conversion   So, upto this point, we have only been working with literal values. A literal value, is a static value; hardcoded by the programmer. For example: 1 2 10.5 "String" are all literals.   But, what if you aren't sure what the final value should be? Or if the value is chosen by the user? Well, as you may know, we have variables to do that. Variables are the programmers direct access to a computer's memory (RAM). Any object can be st




Learning Ruby -- Lesson 3: Arithmetic Operators

Lesson 3: Arithmetic Operators   Arithmetic Operations are going to be the first methods you learn about in these lessons. Just like the name implies, arithmetic operations are simple mathematical operations: adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, etc.   These are method calls that can be invoked on various data types (mainly numeric types, like floats or integers)   Ruby Arithmetic Operators + Addition - Subtraction / Division * Multiplication % Modulus ** Exponents   Okay,




Learning Ruby -- Lesson 2: Objects, Objects, Objects aka Ruby's Data Types

Lesson 2: Objects, Objects, Objects aka Ruby's Data Types   You've probably heard people talk about "object-oriented" languages or programming (and you may even know what this means already). Well then, what is an object-oriented language? It simply refers to a programming language that is based around the object model and it's concepts. So, it's probably better to start at: What is an object?   Well, this may seem cheesy, but:   ob·ject/'äbj?kt/ Noun: A material thing that can be see




Learning Ruby -- Lesson 1: Setting up a Ruby Environment

Lesson 1: Setting up a Ruby Environment   In these lessons, I will be working with the official Ruby interpreter. However, if you'd rather work through RPG Maker, that is definitely possible and for that reason, I will tell you how to do both.   Personally, I think everyone interested in really getting into Ruby (whether for use in RPG Maker or not) should get the official interpreter. This will allow you to quickly test code outside of an RPG Maker environment, as well as the interp




Learning Ruby -- Contents

Learning Ruby - Table of Contents   Lesson 1: Installing Ruby http://www.rmxpunlim...by-environment/ Lesson 2: Objects, Objects, Objects aka Ruby Data Types http://www.rmxpunlim...bys-data-types/ Lesson 3: Arithmetic Operators http://www.rmxpunlim...etic-operators/ Lesson 4: Variables, User Input and Type Conversion http://www.rmxpunlim...ype-conversion/ Lesson 5: Intro to Boolean Logic http://www.rmxpunlim...-boolean-logic/ Lesson 6: Flow Control - Decision Making h




Learning Ruby -- Preface

Learning Ruby   kellessdee here,   I have been teetering on verge of writing a full tutorial on ruby scripting for a while, and have had difficulty deciding how to tie this into learning RGSS as well. In the end, I decided that one should not skip out on thoroughly learning Ruby prior to jumping into RPG Maker scripting.   Ruby has a lot to offer, and I feel a lot of people try to jump too far ahead, jumping right into RGSS. While I understand the feeling of wanting to learn something




Not too much

I know this isn't really an update or anything new, however I *think* I have finished my party follow system, bug-free :)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtqQF1N5CQw   It took a while to get the character refreshing to work properly, as I use 3 different character sets for each character (walk, run and standing) Although I could probably make the character sets have all the graphics compiled then just change the script around to read the character sets that way...hmm.....   Anywho, now it




Some random stuff

Not much of an update, I have been rethinking my game at the moment, and decided to create a chrono trigger styled battle system (on the map, but not exact replica..no atb, dual techs, etc it will still follow my systems, just on the map instead) and decided to pull this off effectively it would probably work better with a caterpillar script.   Now I have never been a huge fan of caterpillar style party movement...except for chrono trigger's, where the players actually appeared to be following




Collision Detection

w00t   Galaga update! I had a chance to work on Galaga a bit and I got collision detection working :)   VIDEO   I still have to program the enemies properly but just testing out the collision detection + death animation




Okay, time to take a break for realz

Ugh, sorry gravija, I couldn't resist :( But seriously I am taking a break from this menu for a bit. No sleep...1500 lines of code later...   XMB menu MOVIE   (ignore the ILIKEPIE background..I wrote the script so the player will be able to add their own backgrounds at any point during the game; and I wanted to test it out) And the worst is yet to come. Yup I got all the easy stuff done...I think at least ONE good night's sleep is in order before I conquer the rest. I just REALLY REALLY hop




New stuffz

Hahaha :sweatdrop: go figure that as soon as I start a blog on my game's development a take a minor break XD   Well, it won't be for too long. I have taken a break to finish a XMB style menu system for anyone to use in their game. (In case you're unsure XMB stands for Xross Media Bar, which is used by PSP/PS3...so in other words it's just a nerdy way of saying "PSP style menu" I am nerdy by nature, what can I say?)   Any who in case anyone is following I do have one thing new to post about




Yay Blogssszz

Yay, I just discovered that RMXPU has blogs! And of course I decided to make one :P Anyways, I will mostly be posting development on my current main project--Which is currently untitled. I've been playing around with a few ideas for a name, but the story is still somewhat early in development so I will leave it untitled for now. This project is mostly to get help me learn all the ins & outs of RMXP and Ruby. I actually have a few projects that I am kind of working on at the same time, but t



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