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Straight from my brain!

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My Dog Ate My Homework

My Dog Ate My Homework   Many of you may be familiar with this famous line, known to be said by children who have not done their homework for school from the night before. To a child this seems like a reasonable excuse for not having something done that should be finished. The dog represents a force of nature that can not be controlled, there for validating the destruction of the homework. This seems ok on the outside, and is pretty creative for a child to think up (for the first time). As an

Jon Bon

Jon Bon


Touched By Vita

Touched by Vita   You may or may not have heard that Sony Entertainment has released their new hand held gaming system recently the Play Station Vita (PSV). Anyone who reordered a system was able to play a week in advance. Similarly, Sony reps were hired by third party advertising agencies and sent a PSV early in order to prepare for an in store demonstration. I fall into the latter category and had the honor of demoing the Vita in Future Shop and Wal-mart.   I was sent 1 PS Vita, 2 Games(M

Jon Bon

Jon Bon


The Big Picture

I spend my whole life devoted to the art of video games. When I grow up I become a video game maker. Eventually I am successful, and my games are worldwide popular. My company expands with the growth of profits. One day I am informed that a group from a foreign country has pirated (copied and redistributing) my most recent and popular game and is giving it away for FREE and selling advertisement space on the website they have it available at. I contact my lawyers in an effort to have the pirat

Jon Bon

Jon Bon

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