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The lastest developements on the future of RMU

Entries in this blog


Theme Changer, New stuff Rotator and Engine Links!

This entry is about new changes made recently on RMU.   First up, the color changer. but I've added a new theme (at ShinGamix's request) and I decided I liked it. Thus I've decided to make it the default over the green to hopefully make it more appealing.   Theme's only take minutes to create as I've just changing a few values and a few images. If you guys have any requests I may be willing to make it for you. I do plan on making things more customizable, but I won't be doing too much unti




Updated "Create a Tutorial" page

The new "Create a Tutorial" page. Previously this page may have bee ambiguous. The reasons for the changes were that someone submitted a tutorial which was written completely into the introduction/description. So it must have looked like this was all there was to the tutorial editing system.   The new page tries to make it obvious that this is the initial step to creating a tutorial. Once you fill out the preliminary details your tutorial is created for you, and you can then start the process




GDU Stuff

What a busy week. This week I have realized the size of the task I set myself. My boss gave me a fair bit of time off work so I decided to start writing up one of our content sections (which is kinda secret at the moment). It has been a massive task, but I'm reasonably pleased with the results too far.   This particular section is probably going to be 2nd largest/most complicated of the content sections (in alphabetical order so you can't guess which I'm talking about: Audio, Gallery, Games,




Releasing GDU prematurely?

Hi all,   I am thinking about releasing GDU prematurely. That means releasing it when a large number of the sections are yet to be coded.   To be honest, I have lost a lot of motivation and faith in RPG Maker. Perhaps due to a combination of the whithering activity of the more active RMXPU members, or the anti-competitive actions of enterbrain that is trying its best to ensure that there should be only one community for their software.   Why should I help promote the usgae of their softwar




GDU Profiles - how they will look

The GDU profiles will a series of tabs which of include Overview Games Awards Content Tags Followers Following Possibly a job recruiting/job offering tab, but this may go in the profile header Today I will be showing you the overview tab only, but since it is the main tab I won't discuss the others (although feel free to give suggestions anyway)   Overview Tab Pretty straight forward really. The graph is a generated image from the 'skills' which you set in your




GDU Topic View Preview

Hi all,   Following my last blog entry, I fixed up the integration issues minus a javascript error. Aside from that, its functioning pretty well, using the exact same database and software as this forum.   I have started to skin the forums, because I want to do the necessities first in case I need to rush it going live. It's a big challenge though, because I am trying to do it with as little HTML edits as possible. The reason is that the HTML is always is changing when IPB update their softw




[GDU]One step forward, two steps backwards

Today, good news, I was finally able to get data from an old(ish) database backup working on the GDU database. This was mainly necessary to create components that will utilize the forums database, and also to write up the CSS and design the forums layout. I want to do something unique for the topic view, rewrite the profile view, and make a decent looking board index.   However, I seem to have run into a problem. There appears to be cracks in what I thought was a perfect template integration s




Project GDU - What do you want in profiles?

Hi all,   I have decided the first major coding section of the site that I will do is profiles, since preliminary member-integration is up and running.   I have decided that we definitely need to ditch IPB profiles. We are game makers and developers and as such profiles need to be adapted to suit.   Here's the very beginning of profiles development. Note: This not the final website design:   Before I begin getting into this, I would like the members input on what they want to see in t




Project GDU - Typography

Welcome to the first entry of Project GDU :)   Today I am going to show you the initial look at some of the typography. I have gone for green for two reasons: 1. It was the main color of our longest surviving theme and 2. to depart from the most common website color, blue. I think that will help establish a unique factor to the site (not the green, the fact that it's not blue) with it being associated to the color. You don't get that same sort of thing with blue.   This of course is not al



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