It's in the title. That would put us up to 8 members thus far.
It suddenly hit me that nobody probably reads these. Not yet...
Anyway... progress is... happening. Yeah.
We are getting some form of *work* done. I'm just waiting for things to pick up a bit.
We're on to items and stuff.
We're also arguing about our main character, and some main points about the plot. We'll reach a decision sooner or later though.
I guess we're not arguing so much as we're debating.
What's this? About 5 months. Yeah, not a lot has been going on in the ways of RMXP, but apparently there's been a 319% traffic increase, and people want to make a game, so I'm stepping up as a composer. We'll see how that goes. I have a very good feeling it won't go super swell. This project seems to be driven mostly by pubescent pipe dreams.
It seems I am now the Project Manager/Superman by default. This is great because of my assload of free time. I was going to make some announcement on the new forums about how everyone should credit any work that's not their own, and how I'm not sure if we're still accepting any non-original work, but then I realized, I'm the Project Manager! It's up to me. I don't have to go through people to get things cleared anymore, things will work as I see fit. Now, nobody needs to worry. You won't h
Hot damn! A near month without a single entry into my blog. This needs rectifying.
Writing is going smoothlay. The newer sketches are nice. Some writing is getting done, some music. Things are still a chug chuggin' along.
Yeah, pretty boring eh?
Maybe you should check it out.
That's right boys and girls! A Demo is in production. We don't have anywhere near all of our materials for the project, or even for the demo, so I'm going to be subbing in the RTP stuff until we get it all finished, then swap it out in a later demo. I plan on making this demo comprise at least half of the first act (about 2-3 hours). So don't miss out kiddies!
The one and only
You know I couldn't leave you, my adoring fans stranded for long.
Yes, I'm back. Why did I leave? I can't even remember, but whatever. I've gotten much better at composing music, and at this time that's all I plan to contribute to any projects (besides the usual game advice). So this is just a brief update. Feel free to break out the streamers and confetti.
The one and only
We got our writing Director back (cue streamers and confetti)! Now we can actually start getting some real work done. I believe we're up to 6 people now. 'Tis good. By this time next month I expect at least two dozen. That'll be enough to at least have a "team" of people for each element of the project. I doubt it'll work out like that though. I sense a great lack in the spriting, database, composing, and scripting departments, but hey, at least we're getting SOMETHING done.
You know
We've got ourselves another artist who is also a possible writer. Hopefully she can find the time to help us out in that area. We could really use someone with some writing talent what with Demondaze gone.
The story is managing to slowly chug it's way along.
God Damn! I signed on just to do all of the battley bits, which is the stuff I love, and am good at. Really good at. I'm having to go about and do all of this extra stuff (mostly just the writing). That's the one problem I have
Wow, it's been a while since I updated my blog. Don't expect the regular hilarity, I'm not tired at the moment.
Anyway, we have some concept sketches for our main character, GORGEOUS music from BiddyPocket, and many a sprite from Horro.
I've also reposted the bits of the old forum I felt needed posting, and am continuing to write the story.
So all in all, things are good.
The one and only
Ok, I'm not the king, I'm the Director, but that's good too. I don't think it will make much difference. I was pretty much the only one doing things with the database to begin with, but now I have authoritah! So now I don't have to collaborate with everyone else on my ideas. I can just post what I plan on doing, and any objectors will be smote... I mean... listened to... and their feedback will be.... appreciated. That's it. Appreciated.
Don't worry. Everything's should go smoothly as
That's right. I'm so giddy and excited that I've made TWO POSTS on the SAME SUBJECT in ONE NIGHT! Maddening I'm sure. We're getting ever closer to deciding on a name for our main character (I'm hoping for Minerva). I wish I could've captured the spasm of glee I felt when I found out I was Database Director (although, I expected it). Frankly I just want to type *GLEE* about 30 dozen times, but I'm not that tired or crazy or hamster.....Wait, what? Speaking of hamsters I was almost playing K
Well the Dev Project is off to a roaring restart, and by roaring I mean sitting in the corner, quietly reassuring itself that it has friends. So things are slow, or practically halted. I have no doubt in my mind that it'll pick up. It's up to all of us to persevere through the hard times. It'll take a little bit for all of the original team to get back on it, and so long as none of them leave I'm sure we can continue to attract more attention. I'm personally on a quest to get more support f
We're up to 4 people on the Dev team! I really hope the rest of the last team comes back. So far me and Mapper, the mapper, are the only two new guys while the other two are from the old team.
I can feel good things in my bones. Like Smarties.
Yes, Smarties rattle inside me, waiting to be unleashed unto the world!
Well I'd love to keep typing, but I'm hella tired.
The one and only
Well, curiosity drove me to install Midi Maker.
Looks like I'm going to be a composer now too. I'm glad. I like my music :P
So now I've got something to do. When nothing's going on at the Dev boards I can just whip myself up some songs for the game. Not only does work get done, but I ALSO stave off boredom. It's a pretty sweet deal.
In other news, I have now run out of cashews. There are no more. They are gone.
My new socks kick ass. They're soooooo warm and fuzzy.
Well, welcome you lonely few who have stumbled upon this vault of untold secrets! I'll try not to break your sanity too hard.
Today the Dev team officially started working on our game again. Why is it official you ask. Well I don't have the authority to just say so. I took it a step further and made it so, by starting up work on the game. Genius! (please disregard all derogatory and self congratulatory comments, they are the direct result of sleep deprivation).
Right now I'm not do