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Apocolyptica Developement Blog, Entry 2

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Well, it's pretty close to my other blog and not much has happened developement-wise, but I'd like to post a lot about concepts, too.


Developement-wise; the MK system started crumbling benief my feet. I had to make some pretty significant changes, but now it should be fool-proof. Instead of merging weapon with Token, it's Token with Token and you get the new weapon.


I've also added the best shotgun to the game, just for testing purposes. It loads with special shells that have 4 rounds inside itself. It fires 4 rounds each time you press spacebar. If you hold down spacebar, also, it will fire a barrage; 16 rounds in a very short ammount of time. Quite powerful, but the shotgun itself costs 5000 and each shell costs 35.


I've started work on adding Rank 4, quite a pain. Need to add 4 shotguns and an extra pistol. First shotgun I need to add is the Pump-action shotgun.


Concept-wise, I got a heap of new ideas. I was playing Nazi Zombies on the weekend, the newest map; Der Rise. You get something called Pack-a-punch, costs 5000 and, once the conditions are met, you can upgrade your weapons to pack a SERIOUS punch; explosive rounds, faster fire, more powerful bullets, anything can happen. I'm thinking about adding something like that but not sure how yet. Might save it for later, it would be a heap of work.


I was also thinking of adding a random-spawning special infected. It wouldn't spawn too many so, for example, about two per area. They could spawn screamers, infected dogs, even Giant Zombies. Add a little surprise. Each time a special infected would spawn it would make its own noise; Infected Dogs would bark, Screamers would scream, Giant Zombies would make a rather loud moan. I might even add the rare chance of encountering Reapers. Nobody knows what a reaper is yet but they are not to be underestimated. Along with the new boss featured in Jenkins Jepardy; the Infected REDSIN Operative. He is not to be messed with, either; he wears nearly bullet proof armor. Prior testing has shown he can take about 100 M4A1 Carbine bullets. Don't worry, though, the first machinegun you get has about the strength of the Hope Afloat M4A1 Carbine.


I've also perfected the zombie spawning system. Now I can start spawning different zombies as the rounds go up. So, for example, at Round 5, 2 Sprinters and 3 Normal Infected will spawn by default. And at Round 10, the 2 normal infected will be replaced by yet another stronger infected, and so on, and so forth.


As many of you know, I like a happy ending. The goal of this is to get to the end of the complex and signal a radio. Now this is where my love for Left 4 Dead comes in. Once you signal the radio, you must survive for 10 minutes. This is where the gameplay switches to something similar to Armageddon mode; no rounds, just an endless incoming supply of zombies. Each 10 seconds, the special infected spawner will see if it wishes to spawn special infected. If you survive for 10 minutes, a chopper arrives to pick you up and you have to make a mad dash through a newly-opened area and, in the immortal words, GET TO THE CHOPPER.


There will also be checkpoints along the way. A checkpoint can only be used once and can be found in specific areas along the way.


Well, that's about it for now. I'll keep you guys updated.


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