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Apocolyptica Developement Blog, Entry 4

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Barely getting back on track... Finally stopped feeling like #### and back in the mood for some RPG Maker. First order of business, of course, Apocolyptica. Started remodeling the shop script. Nothing major, add a few pics, move certain parts, that's about it. For the main thing I wanted to add I need Leon's help. It's not too much, but just something I can't seem to get my head around. I'll show you guys some screenies of the new shop when its up and running.


Still haven't progressed past Rank 4 weapons yet. Not sure why, just not been doing too much work on it as I wanted to. Sometimes I'll have a great idea, hop on, load everything up and then a feeling in my chest like I just don't wanna do this right now. You ever get that?


Out of my boredom one dark and quiet night I added the M61 Vulcan Chaingun. Sadly, you guys won't get to use it... Well, maybe, I'll see. It is, by far, the fastest weapon in the game, firing a massive 20 bullets per second and stocking 850 damage per bullet.


I've also been thinking about releasing add-on packs for the price of 1 rep point. These add-on packs would feature a new map and 12 new weapons - 3 pistol, 3 shotgun, 3 machinegun and 3 elite. Another note with the add-on pack is I will be attempting over the next few days to make a system that saves your data (Rank, weapons, storage items, etc..) so that when you move from map-to-map with your save you can keep everything you've earnt along the way. I saw one made by EmilyAnnCoons (I think), but never used it yet. I might try on the weekend.


Before I add the Rank 4 weapons, I want to get the shop to have its new add-ons, which displays a guns firepower (on a scale from 1 to 10) and firerate (same scale). So that when you scroll through weapons you can see each ones stats before buying-and-trying.


While we're on the weapon subject, I remember telling you of 38 weapons - 10 pistols, 9 shotguns, 10 machineguns and 9 elite weapons? Well, now I got 10 of each of the 4 categories. Pretty cool, eh.


Just, quickly, I'm sad to report things are going VERY slowly for Hope Afloat. I had the whole next town planned out but as I go along I just can't seem to get it to fit in and work. I'm gonna ask around, some friends I know off the forum on MSN and around my friends, like Lee, who know and help out with some ideas along the way.


I got an experiment to try out maybe tomorrow with the Check system. Let's hope it goes well. If I make it the right size hopefully it will work. There are a lot of changes in Apocolyptica that you won't see in Hope Afloat and I want it to surprise some of you.


I've got one of my friends, Matt, helping me play-test and balance the game. He played the pre-alpha version from BEFORE I even had the zombie spawning system working (zOMG :o ) so, yeah. Not even he has seen a lot of it yet.


With the Special Infected, I now have 14 out of 15 and am stuck trying to figure out what that last 15 will be. If you have ANY ideas please comment it.


On a personal note - 3 days until school holidays (I'm probally getting Friday off, woo!) Party at my house. Not really. You guys have been good rats and made it to the end of the maze, but there is no cheese for you...


... Well, maybe just a little :rofl: .


See ya guys. Take care. Stay safe - no bites.


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