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Another day, and more progress

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Storyline & Plot Archive  

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To all those who are following;


I would like to just inform all 3 of my readers that I have, indeed, finished the core script in which this game evolves around. It is a simple script/event system that has been tested by one of my followers, and further developed with the help of a dear friend of mine.


In addition, I have also plotted out how many scripts and maps I will need for this project. Suffice to say, they are few, but still worth investing time into. My only regret is finding the resources I need for a Title screen, and other choice objects I wish not to go into detail on... yet.


I also have a story outline in place, with only dialogue needed. In fact, the story behind this practically writes itself, which helps tremendously. I only have to hone in on each character's persona, and we'll be rockin' with the story complete.


I just want to conclude in saying that I do have plenty of drive for this project, and plenty of inspiration. The only thing(s) that may hold me back are resources, music, and lack of time to work on this. But, if I can at least get the resources and music, I can make it over time; this I assure you all.

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1 Comment

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That's all great to hear Leon!



I can't wait to play this game come the day it is finished. ^~^


Get on yahoo, I have an idea about what we talked about earlier.

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