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I've always like the idea of a blog, I used to have one a couple years ago when I went through a tough time in my life. Once I put all that stuff behind me, I seemed to have out grown it and haven't really updated it in a very long while. Long story short, I've found my way here, through google and yahoo searches, redirects through other rpg sites and affiliates and it seems like a nice place to settle into for a time.


The purpose for this blog, is to chronicle my journey through my first game.


A friend told me about rmxp, he basically said that this program would enable me to write my own games without having to know anything about scripting. I was really excited when he told me, all these ideas came rushing through my head, I wouldn't have been able to settle on just one idea. That was a couple years ago, and I have now made a very important discovery. He lied. I have a very specific image in my head about what the game will look like, and it isn't anything like the default version.


I've never really considered myself to be a girly girl, so, when all these ideas had come to me way back when, I never would have thought that I'd be centering my first game around a wedding. Eww. But, as it turns out, my little sister's getting married, and was sadistic enough to charge me with being her Maid of Honour. Never really being interested with this stuff before, I was like, "sure, why not?". (Side note: If anyone ever asks you to be their maid of honour, or best man or anything, run. Run like hell.) In actuality, I don't really even know how it happened, but I was talking with my sister, and some how she's convinced me to incorporate her into my first game.


lol, so I came up with the brilliant idea of kidnapping her fiancee.


I've come across a few challenges... like finding the perfect villain, how to incorporate the entire wedding party into the story (I've a big family), where do I start with the game?


When I started, I kinda knew that it would be a big project, but, omg, it didn't really sink in just exactly how big this is going to be and how much I have to learn. No, I really don't know how to script, and knowing me, it's going to get really complicated really quick.


Here's my game plan: 1)I'm going to write as detailed a summary/story of my game as possible. As well as my maps and character profiles. 2) Do as many tutorials as possible. 3) Start putting the game together. Do what you know first right? and I know how to write stories.


So, that roughly sums it up about how I got here. I've got work to do, finishing up my summary/story, so I'll go do that... right after I finish procrastinating...


Btw, if anyone's actually finished reading this and has any advice, I certainly won't turn it down :)

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So the wedding game, eh? The thing is that making games are not really as easy as they seem. When I get frustrated with my game, sometimes I quit working on it for weeks at a time. Even now I'm having problems with mine at the moment.

Anyway, my advice is to think of what kind of game you want it to be.




Or you can mix them all together (Action/Romance :D ). If it's an action game you want, I can totally help you out with it. I'm not much of a romanticist so I can't do much if the game is romantic. But if you ever need a helping hand, don't be afraid to ask me or anyone on the forums. We'll be glad to help you. I'll start off by posting some wedding tilesets and characters for your game.







































Good luck with your game! Let me know if you need anything.

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It has to have some emotion in it... otherwise a wedding wouldn't make much sense. But I definitely want some action/adventure/humour aspects in it as well.


How long does it take on average? Hopefully, I'll be finished this by next year, before the wedding.

I can see me doing the same thing... not touching it for weeks at a time, I'm a bit of a procrastinator :sweatdrop:


Btw, did I mention that you were my new favourite person? I hadn't found wedding themed character sets yet. :D

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It has to have some emotion in it... otherwise a wedding wouldn't make much sense. But I definitely want some action/adventure/humour aspects in it as well.


How long does it take on average? Hopefully, I'll be finished this by next year, before the wedding.

I can see me doing the same thing... not touching it for weeks at a time, I'm a bit of a procrastinator :sweatdrop:


Btw, did I mention that you were my new favourite person? I hadn't been able to find wedding themed character sets. :D

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:D glad I am. I just want to lend a hand because I know how hard making a game by yourself is especially when you're working towards a deadline and you're new to RPG Maker.


I'm a procrastinator too but I'm trying to change my ways. Just try to work on your game as much as you can. If it helps, listen to music that gets you blood pumping or do something that inspires you to make your game better. Those always work for me.


How you work is what determines how long making the game will take.

Try to plan out the features you want in your game and maybe I can find some scripts for those features.

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