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Heart's Soul



So I'm working on my first Project since I joined here, I'm calling it Heart's Soul. I'll use this page to update it until I have enough to make a post in the forum.


Game play is in the beginning stages, i like collectibles game play, like see how many of these you can get by the end of the game, i'm thinking girlfriends/friends, but how you get them is going to be interesting if I can do it right.

I am making individual sprites so that when the main character changes equipment, it reflects on her.

Also the Main Character will have the ability to transform depending on the 'Heart Charm' they currently have equipped.

It'll be rated Mature though. certain sexual themes and what-have-you. :sweatdrop:


The main Character is Female, a cool, dark character who doesn't like the spotlight, smokes cigs, and enjoys "watching the scenery". Tends to lose her dark demeanor around pretty women. Has some abnormal style tastes. She's on a quest to save her 'crush' from a 'crystal grave' by collecting 'Heart Charms' in hopes that one can return her.

She is joined by a 'Charm Guardian' named 'Fluffy' a large funnyman who thinks the quest may have a certain video interest to him. :drool: >.>


Making the story is like putting a puzzle together, I have several ideas for it, just need to string it together. like anything in '' is under determination if i like the word/idea yet.

I'm working on the graphics first, and since I'ma use Half-Kaiser I can use more detail. I saw an idea where they use comic book panels to help tell the story, and since my hobby is sequential art, I couldn't resist the thought of bringing the two together. though they'll be used more on cut-scenes, though I have been thinking of using them in battles too, but I'll see how it goes.


Certain things I'm interesting in looking up yet:



additional accessory slot? (charms being unique and only one at a time can be equipped)

animation in title screen/customizable title menu[ex. falling menu {think Warcraft 3}]

caterpillar (i think it's unrealistic for a person in your party to not show up walking with you.)

transformation in battle



is picture animation possible?

moving pictures during normal game play



awesome music


In Progress:

Main Character; Kitty Katana.




Half-Kaiser Resource/Maker

for tile sets and npcs, my main characters are always hand pixeled. because I <3 them.




Special Note:

the character 'Fluffy' is going to be based of my best friend who died in '08, I think he would have liked being in a game with a bunch of hot chicks that make out XD but that's just how he was. So this is my tribute to his memory. :alright:

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