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Progress Report - 13/09/10

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Well, I've stopped work on Hope Afloat :shok: Don't worry, though, I'm working on a remastered version. Adding a heap of things I should have added, fixing a heap of things, and improving new and old systems. I'm working on it from the Hope Afloat file, so some parts will be improved while others wont. I dont know when a version of this will be available, a month or two perhaps?


I've been doing a bit of work on Apocolyptica, not as much as I should have, mind you, but still work nonetheless. Added a secret area just for the hell of it and am working on an add-on system to allow you to purchase add-ons (weapons, areas, etc) for Rep (I prefer Rep over points anyday :D ). Still working on the random special infected spawning system, its a pain in the ass.


Done no work whatsoever on Devil's Dance, gotta fix a few things, too. Umm... Main problem is tilesets. I have an image inside my head and all the resources but the tileset I need. I need a rather old-styled city, like, 1940's, but not dirty or anything, coz the time period is 1940.


My other projects have been put on halt for the time being, them being Alone, Secret project, Dead End (you guys have no idea :P ) and In Solice. I'm also halting my zombie survival guide while I write a new story.


Oh, speaking of my story, I have no idea what to name it yet. Probally gonna let one of my friends name it. It's about a detective who gets caught up in a heap of shit and ends up being the sole survivor of a small outback town that gets hit by a zombie infected. And, yes, there will be blood.


Man I have a lot to do... Anyway, umm... What else is there? Reading a book series called Skulduggery Pleasant, but that's about it, I think. Anyway, I'll show you a preview of my story soon. Kthxbai.


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