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The VIP/Sponser Concept



With only 2 weeks before my first exam, I am deep in procrastination I seem to be having a lot of ideas...


One such idea, one for the future when activity lifts so high we can't even see it, is the VIP/Sponser usergroup.


The only reason such a group would exist is to 1. retain valued members and offer them this for free and 2. because we can create super cool features that would no be manageable if EVERY member had these permissions. Emphasis on #2.


What would members in the Sponser usergroup get...

In another blog post I hope to make later, and an idea I hope to implement before 2011, is the staff member content idea. What this is, is, something like the recent posts shown on the side of the forum index, but, it contains all latest support topics and scripts/resource requests, and only staff members AND/OR members in the support usergroup (not implemented at the moment, would go along with this idea) can see it. So, if you were a sponsored member, you're topic in the support/requests forums would jump to the top of the list.


The next idea is in relation to the gallery. Currently there are 2,000+ images in it. It is troublesome to search through all those categories. Sponsors would have access to a section that loads EVERY image on the one page, and you simple scroll down and find the images you want.


Lately, I have the idea of creating my own sort of forum and I would call it something RMXPU Live. It is a version of the forum that uses ajax so that you dont have to load a page to browse the forum. It would be my own application using IPB's database. However, only simple functions like replying to topics would be possible. But its good because you watch replies as members make them, and post your own without ever leaving the page you're on.


And of course boring features like uploap limit, soft-delete own posts, etc. etc.


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