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Marks Bloggy

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RMXP Unlimited Legends

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This blog entry is dedicated to the members of RMXP Unlimited who helped me and this site much.


SCMike/Emily_konichi - This member has been there from the beginning. Ever since I first started the forum, he was there. For all his work and effort to this forum, he has become a Administrator. He is definitely responsibly for the existence of the forum today.


Blazinks - The other "original". Not at all active on this forum, he was on the original forum and is the other member responsible for the existence of the forum today. He suddenly disappeared for family reasons I believe, and its a shame he couldn't be active.


Ravenclaw - The last of the originals. He was the only staff member on the original forum. And perhaps the reason i started a forum altogether. I helped him with some resources on another site, which kind of inspired me for this site. I knew next to nothing about forums, and was quite a bit younger than i am now, so i much have annoyed him so much with all my crazy forum ideas. He too left.


Leon - The first of the members from RMXP Ultimate. Best known of the site as a scripter. He helped me a lot, including with RMXP Ultimate. He's always been active, and quite experienced with RMXP and forums, so he has been very very helpful.


Dark Dragon - This particular member has would i say a "definite" opinion. Its not maybe, its this and thats that. And thats what is good to see. Another member from RMXP Ultimate who also helped me a lot and offered his opinions. Definitely one cool guy.


Ryanrulz_11 - The only member who didn't have any prior connection with the site. I always considered this member to be a great staff member. Always dedicated and helping.


Wyzrd - RMXP Unlimited's No.1 Rapper. I think came here from Leon. He deserves a special mention here for his hard work as a moderator, and always doing a good job. Responsible for a large number of fixed on the forum, which has been a huge help.


Will add more later ;)

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1 Comment

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I just seen this blog. Thanks for the mention and comment Marked. :D



Everyone keep doing a good job and let's make this site greater.


EDIT: Yea I did come from Leon.

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