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Well, Christmas is here, snow, ice and arctic winds have settled in. Hot chocolate at the ready and comfy chair to relax on.



So, my digital art progress has slurred into a misty pathway, with software unexpectedly crashing and my tablet not functioning correctly, as of this I form a keen interest into the future of my current game Lumis, along with my past game ideas. One of the past ideas that struck me was my forgotten project with full 100% custom graphics, with interactive environments and epic sized boss fights, one boss in perticular was chained up but had broken one chain free and attacked the player with it - causing the floor to literally crack and be tawn up (looked truly epic for an rm game). Now, back to Lumis, i have created a few new ideas, some thta may shock players or confuse them.



The story line may even upset players, its quite derrogative but has got a sparky interest aspect to it, along with its adventure/ puzzle gameplay, the story line mkaes the game have an unlimited imagination; quite similar to mine, the game and I share a connection. I see Lumis digging deeper into the dark patches of my mind, which can be scary at times even for me, the owner.



Don't think that it's going to be horror, no, more or less creepy than horror. Afterall, it is in early stages, it could take a full 180 degree turn and be completely opposite ;) but for now, the story line is what's fuelling my idea generation, I will reveal the storyline in the Lumis developemnt thread found below.



Hope you all have a good time over Christmas and other holidays people celebrate :)


===Thread Link===


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