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Clubs - First Look



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Hey guys,


Today I'm going to show you the first glimpse at the clubs component I am working on for the website.




What is the Clubs Component for?

First of all there are two types of clubs you can create: Social and Project clubs. Social clubs are for whatever interests you have and are just a place for getting together and discussing that topic. For example, you could create a 'Movies' club and the creator of the club could write reviews for it. Secondly, the main focus of Project Clubs are to coordinate team projects. There will be many tools to help achieve this, but I am trying not to go into details about any features just yet. At the moment however it does look like its worth while making this the central projects system where members show off their projects. Another main goal with the projects clubs is to promote recruitment. There is going to a filter system where you can quickly and Ajaxly find any and all types of projects.



A major focus with this component is allowing the creator (we need a better for the person who makes the club, perhaps president?) to customize his/her club to how they like it. I have only just touched on themes but members can choose themes and this will be used throughout the entire clubs component, but club owners may also chose their own theme to override individual members chosen themes. It took me an entire day to create an effective module system, but its pretty cool. When you create your club it is given all the available modules and they are all enabled by default. Then you can go in and chose what modules you want and where. There are two types of modules: Main Modules which are basically for the main column of your clubs homepage, and then there are Sidebar Modules, which is you can see below. A cool feature with the modules is drag and drop. The creator of the club can simply click any module and changes its position right on the page without having to refresh or anything, and this screenshot shows a module being dragged (the cursor is obviously invisible):



Team Project Hierarchy

I haven't started this yet but I thought I'd throw it into this entry. The club creator is an administrator within his club. The creator has the option of promoting his club members to various positions (eg moderator, manager, etc.). This will open up new permissions to the features of the club to its members, for example, assigning and managing tasks within the team project. This allows multiple members of the club to do take on various management tasks.




As you can see its only started development, but I have spent a lot of time of effective and proper coding. More to come :)


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Thanks guys :) I'll keep you updated because while I'm trying to do design simultaneously, its more about the code and what you can do with this thing :D

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